XI should be: 3 racist fantasy kingdoms full of assholes fight against villain of the week expansion.
Please consider helping out two comrades in Palestine!
Please help Aya in Gaza ❤️ 🇵🇸
Please help Mahmoud from Gaza ❤️ 🇵🇸
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XI should be: 3 racist fantasy kingdoms full of assholes fight against villain of the week expansion.
Not good enough. Remake the game each time for every language on earth.
I like that fishing is it’s own minigame with qte inputs, beats old school Everquest where you just fished and went afk. But the skill up gain rate is crushing and you can only fish so much in 24 hours.
Sonic is just too cool for them, must suck to suck.
Still playing FFXI and making progress. Got a couple got jobs to level 30 and worked on the story missions so there’s that.
Very cool. Shame sony bought them out.
I knew about Bleem from ads in the magazines I was subscribed to as a teen but I didn’t know that about Jobs, Mac, and PS1 emulation, that’s wild!
I love how racists think that before the 19th century people stayed in ONE place on earth at all times and NEVER moved. The only time humans moved was when the continents were connected by land bridges and then after that they got racist in the 1400s and told Africans no admittance.
Yeah HorizonXI took over Nasomi’s spot.
It is! My server gets about 600 people at peak time.
I like the backstory of the first generation of Resident Evil (1,2,3, CV, 4, REmake, Zero) and the twists and turns of Umbrella Inc and it’s like monarchy-themed evil corpo business.
MMOs back in pre-luclin everquest
That’s where I started too! Back in Kunark EQ. But as I’ve gotten older my patience for the grind has kind of waned. But the idea of playing classic XI is intriguing.
Oh yeah I remember you offering to help me out if I ever gave Horizon a try! So far I’m enjoying CatsEye, I finally got settled in with a race and job I like (Galka, rotating mnk/war/paladin/whm) and the QOL features on this server is amazing. If I ever decide to try out classic XI I’ll take you up on that.
You should see the fancier high level gear, this is only trashy free stuff.
death by snu-snu,
Oh hell yea.
In XI we got I guess Elvaan women that could be considered a “mom”.
Super Dragon Ball Z for the ps2 is a great fighting game.
My cousin had Dark Cloud and he enjoyed it, I’ll give it a whirl.
You’ve played Metal Gear yes but have you played Hideo Kojima’s other games
Way ahead of you, already beat ZOE 1 + 2 years ago, but I will replay them!
Oh yeah the ROV missions.