It’s kinda funny how much medicines’ effects can vary from person to person, I tried sertraline and had absolutely no difference, whereas my mother and my sister take it and it works for them
Anger flare ups stemming from depression. Took cognitive behavioral therapy for a time until I could learn the coping skills. Still take the setraline.
Have noticed when I wheen off/am off it am more prone to those flare ups. They don’t happen outright, I just notice them more prominently.
Had a doctor tell me I should never feel the antidepressant. Should be a background thing. Thought that was good advice.
Setraline leveled me the fuck out.
It’s kinda funny how much medicines’ effects can vary from person to person, I tried sertraline and had absolutely no difference, whereas my mother and my sister take it and it works for them
May I ask, what do you mean it leveled you out?
Anger flare ups stemming from depression. Took cognitive behavioral therapy for a time until I could learn the coping skills. Still take the setraline.
Have noticed when I wheen off/am off it am more prone to those flare ups. They don’t happen outright, I just notice them more prominently.