Maybe it is not unreasonable but a sober evaluation of the situation. I think the lid is gonna come off this whole thing within 30 years, that is, the relatively good living conditions of the imperial core, low to medium levels of unemployment, steady food supply, etc., and North America will see, or is already in, a years of lead situation. And I hope that should we ever have Black Hundreds or Brownshirts - which we do already - we will also have Red Guards… which we don’t yet. I guess looking at the aggressive advances of the fascist movement it is more poignant than ever to say “without a people’s army, the people have nothing”. Gotta build a movement first, and the movement’s means of self protection and force will come from that.
lay off the cider, tovarshi Jordan Peterson. / s
That being said, I suppose you are accurate in your prediction. Pessimism of the mind, optimism of the will.
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