Maybe it is not unreasonable but a sober evaluation of the situation. I think the lid is gonna come off this whole thing within 30 years, that is, the relatively good living conditions of the imperial core, low to medium levels of unemployment, steady food supply, etc., and North America will see, or is already in, a years of lead situation. And I hope that should we ever have Black Hundreds or Brownshirts - which we do already - we will also have Red Guards… which we don’t yet. I guess looking at the aggressive advances of the fascist movement it is more poignant than ever to say “without a people’s army, the people have nothing”. Gotta build a movement first, and the movement’s means of self protection and force will come from that.

    14 hours ago

    Friendly reminder to ground yourself in what you know to be true and always keep investigating. Sense of doom is more of an anxious thing than it is a concrete analysis. That’s not to say this is all unfounded, but making it more concrete means making it more something that can be directly dealt with, especially with a concrete logistical process*. The more vague it is, the more impossible to contend with and the more anxiously overwhelming.

    *Example, I was reminded of this kind of thing recently and one mental exercise I did with it was with a sign I saw with a telephone number offering a kind of maintenance services. I basically went through the steps of like, for someone to have done this, they would need to have had transportation or walked to get there, a means of putting the sign in the ground if it isn’t easy to just stick in there, they would need to have gotten the sign specially made, probably done some research on what is legal and when for where you can put such signs. And that’s just for the putting the sign down part. They also would have needed to set up a phone number for business, probably with a voice message, since they can’t be at the phone 24/7. Set up pricing, boundaries on what they can and can’t do, researched other similar business to see what prices are like, so they can be competitive and reasonable with it. And more. I don’t remember everything I went through, but the idea was to dig into the detail of logistics. Kind of like pseudo-code in programming. None of this stuff unfolds by magic; there is always logistics behind it one way or another. So practicing thinking that way can help with keeping in view both how to navigate the conditions in step by step and what signs (accidental wordplay) to look for, so that you can more confidently know when something doom is coming down the pipeline, what it looks like, and what the response needs to be in detail.