In this video, we provide context LTT missed in their recent “Raytracing is Now Mandatory” video. We address three overly praised titles and discuss the real definition of optimization.
We then bridge the connection between profits and optimization and end the poor excuse regarding how optimization is too expensive to provide in modern development. We then address the real issues with AI and ray tracing and define the problems with corporate graphic solutions.
Yeah graphics do sell but only the games that actually are pushing the limits like doom 3 or crysis. Copy paste UE5 slop is not that at all and never will be
I haven’t really paid much attention to games with better graphics than modern pokemon in a long while, I recently watched the trailer for the new doom game and it did give me that same sense of wow that’s really fucking cool. Not that I will ever play it, even if I could afford it a pc upgrade is not worth the money to me, but it’s impressive to look at.