I loved playing that when I was like ten. Genuinely felt like a pretty big adventure and the things like the illegal robot fights outside of the arenas were so cool. There was that one gun you could put on your robot that was like bumblebee themed that was a very fast shooting machine gun that immediately stunlocked your opponents, trivializing every fight. Good times.
This shit went so hard on the original thicc cobalt blue NDS. I should really replay it on steam deck
I loved playing that when I was like ten. Genuinely felt like a pretty big adventure and the things like the illegal robot fights outside of the arenas were so cool. There was that one gun you could put on your robot that was like bumblebee themed that was a very fast shooting machine gun that immediately stunlocked your opponents, trivializing every fight. Good times.
Speaking of long forgotten DS games I really enjoyed Spectrobes. Mining for minerals was really calming
I think I was too young to understand how to play Spectrobes so I never got far but the concept was always rad to me