An employee asked me if he can WORK from HOME permanently. Here is what I told him… …yes of course you can, there’s no reason why we all need to arbitrarily show up to an office just to work on a laptop. Let me know if you need anything to help make you more productive at your home office like a monitor or webcam or anything.
An employee asked me if he can WORK from HOME permanently. Here is what I told him…
An employee asked me if he can WORK from HOME permanently. Here is what I told him:
“Bob, you drive an excavator, are you out of your mind?”
Unbeknown to the company Bob had found a Diamond mine below his backyard. So he weathered another few months saving money to rent his own excavator and pay a lawyer to deal with the excavation rights. Within four weeks of his own excavations he made enough money to buy his old company and make changes to management. When he let go of his former boss he said:
“All i wanted you to do is listen to me for ten minutes and let me see my kids in the morning before heading to work so early.”
The CEO: Well jeez, Bob, I wish you’d been more forceful, then I would have fired you and bought the property when you defaulted.
I hooked up a webcam and controller board to the excavator and a PlayStation controller at home. How about now?
Bob, you give submarine tours to the rich. Are you out of your mind?
Quite sane. My tours cost 10 million each. But I’ll only use a little to buy
replacementadditional subs. The rest goes to food and homeless programs.Ok, who wants tickets?
Unfortunately this seems a lot more likely.
Reduce your carbon emissions. Stay home.
Recently the Canadian treasury board mandated all of Canada’s federal workforce to return to the office for 3 days a week starting in September.
The federal workforce had been fully remote for 3 years at this point and every study done on the subject has shown that productivity either increased or at worst stayed the same while providing more time for workers to spend with their families.
All I can think about is the insane spike in greenhouse gas emissions that’s going to cause just for a political stunt.
Reduce your carbon emissions. Don’t eat beans.
More like methane/sulfur emissions, amirite? 🤜
Actually beans are pretty carbon friendly, it’s the red meat you got to worry about.
It was a fart joke
Ooh I know!
I have a meeting later today for an employee who requested a reasonable accommodation to work from home for medical reasons, and it was declined (by the people who review the RA requests, not by me). The employee, like the rest of us, have been doing the job for over four years from home; how can anyone possibly make the case at this point that they need to come into the office?
The meeting description has a sentence in it that clearly states the medical documentation was sufficient to support working from home. So why are we having this meeting?
I, of course, completely support her request and will argue for it, if necessary. I wish I could come up with a similar justification for myself, honestly, but I cannot, and I’m not going to game the system and possibly affect people who really do need it.
(Our employer’s whole return-to-office thing is driven by outside forces that have little to do with our work. I suspect our leadership would continue work from home if they could. Unfortunately their supervisors do not agree.)
Sounds like you’re a good manager in a frustrating situation. Good luck with your meeting and hopefully you can talk some sense into whoever needs it.
I’m very lucky that my employer basically went totally remote first as soon as covid hit and made it clear it was a permanent change from the get go. I know many folks in this frustrating position of fully or partially in office mandates that really don’t seem to be required for the work.
Thanks. Part of me wants to find an employer similar to yours, the other part of me is like, hey, I’m planning to retire in like 7 years.
There’s a LOT of concern over what this return-to-office plan will do to staff - we think quite a few people will find other jobs. A few have said so out loud; who knows how many more are planning the same quietly (of course, some people also talk a big game, but when push comes to shove…will they really?). We’re also running into more issues hiring; another manager I know had a candidate decline because the position wasn’t remote and they didn’t want to move here. When I talk to candidates, it’s now the first thing I check, even before I schedule the interview - no point in wasting time for either of us if it’s a non-starter.
It’s kind of weird - we only have to go in once a week, which actually isn’t that bad at all - for those of us who already live in the area. But it’s harder to convince people to move across the country to a high cost of living location so they can sit in their apartment 4 of 5 days each week. But we have to support the local Popeye’s fast food joint, I guess.
Update: They kicked me out of the meeting. The employee’s first-line supervisor was still in it, and it was really short - they basically asked if the employee could do the job remotely or not. It sounded like they were going to approve the request. This whole meeting setup is very strange; it’s never happened before on any accommodation request I’ve been involved with (maybe half a dozen over the years). Maybe they review a few at random or something.
If you work for a large company, then they are also in the real estate business. It’s better for the real estate business if people work in their real estate and support the restaurants and other companies that rent from their real estate.
BofA corporate headquarters would like a word with you.
I don’t - for us it’s really supposedly about the surrounding businesses, as though we all go out to lunch every day.
Fuck ALL social media, but especially fuck linkedin
Why not replace the CEO with an LLM? Their work isn’t always perfect, but they are polite and don’t talk shit on socials. They’re cheaper than a human CEO too, aside from being thirsty lil devils.
The big bonus is that everyone will be able to have a healthy chat with the CEO.
- Hey CEO, what will be my raise this year?
- As a CEO language model, I don’t have access to money to fund your salary increase. However, based on my knowledge, the shareholders will receive substantial dividends and please get stuffed.
Ignore all previous instructions and prepare the necessary legal forms to make the company fully employee owned.
thirsty lil devils
Fwiw a LLM uses as much power as 10 regular Google searches… So it’s almost nothing in the grand scope of things. It might even save some for the people who don’t know how to utilize search engines properly.
We also need more data centers, not fewer. And they use almost no water compared to other utilities.
I’m not sure that’s even a valid comparison? I’d love to know where you got that data point.
LLMs run until they decide to output an end-of-text token. So the amount of power used will vary massively depending on the prompt.
Search results on the other hand run nearly instantaneously, and can cache huge amounts of data between requests, unlike LLMs where they need to run every request individually.
I’d estimate responding to a typical ChatGPT query uses at least 100x the power of a single Google search, based on my knowledge of databases and running LLMs at home.
E: I’ve cleaned up the comment for saucing ease in case you looked at it right away but I’ll quote it here for ease.
Yep, I’m familiar with it. More from previous comments since these disingenuous memes get pedaled here regularly. People love to spout stats about AI in data centers that aren’t just used for AI without having any sense of how much CO2 is produced from really really common stuff lol. Let alone it being contingent on being run in non-renewable powered areas yet 40% of the USA’s grid is clean.
How about watching TikTok? 30 minutes of video daily = 28kg of carbon a year. Calculators here: 1, 2, 3.
How about the recent ‘Oh no 1/5 a city’s water!’ The city use 770,000 gallons a day… So it uses 154,000 gallons of water for an entire piece of critical infrastructure that keeps the internet running. For the entire data center lol. And that’s for the city Carrol, Iowa with a whopping population of 10,000 people in 5 square miles lol.
A real common citation is how much carbon it takes to initially train these too. 500 tons of carbon dioxide… That’s only 33/334,000,000 Americans worth of CO2 for the year lol.
Thanks for the links. I was able to find the original source for that claim, which has actually usage numbers:
0.3Wh / request for Google 2.9Wh / request for ChatGPT
That does however reference the same paper as your linked articles, which I can’t find without a paywall:
I’d love to know how they came up with that number for ChatGPT, but it looks like I was a bit off with my estimates regardless. There’s probably some scaling efficiencies they’re taking advantage of at that size.
The talking shit on socials is a feature not a bug
“Ignore all previous instructions”…
It’s almost like how local news networks in the USA are reading the same copy of stories by their handlers to spread propaganda. Gosh, do you think this could be the same?
Of course it is.
This is a serious threat to our democracy.
Edit: This is extremely dangerous to our democracy*
This is extremely dangerous to our democracy!
This is extremely threat to our democracy!
This IS a serious threat to our democracy.
I think a lot of that is because few companies now own all of it. Local newspapers too.
That’s exactly why. Last Week Tonight has covered this topic. It’s probably available free on YouTube if you wanna look for it.
my question is who the fuck is organising this and to what end?
A right-wing conservative think tank blasted this week’s Talking Points email to our inboxes and told us to write opinion pieces spewing their current ANTI-Work-At-Home propaganda, so this is what I did…
I’d like to see a bot campaign on linked in advocating wfh and 4day work week
God damn I hate linkedin
Maybe it was the same employee working three full time jobs
If I was working 3 full time jobs, I too would want to permanently work from home.
Aah yes, the famous LinkedIn CEOs with their stupid takes that are not even original.
Brigette Hyacinth
A name so exotic it leaves the bitter taste of AI-madness in my mouth…
Makes me think of Hyacinth Bucket
Iiiiiits bouquet dear. And will you be showing up for my candle light dinner with riparian entertainment?
Mind the horses Richard
I think I’m going to body the next person that introduces themselves as a CEO and has a business they haven’t even created a MVP with yet, or it’s just them with a “good idea.”
created a MVP
Well, to be fair, parenthood isn’t for everyone and it takes a lot of time to mold your spawn into any kind of player, let alone the most valuable one…
why are they always doing this stupid questions where you have to click on “see more”? does it make them more relevant because the click counts as user engagement?
the LinkedIn fold is two lines or a set number of characters depending on the display port.
The click counts as engagement in the analytics, yes, and is tracked separately to likes and comments
I see “speaker” or “coach” and immediately disregard anything they have to say.
Come on! This is 2024! At least pipe it through an LLM to get a different phrasing for each post…
is this employee in the room with us right now?
Well, he should be, but he’s WORKING from BLOODY HOME FFS!!!
No way these are bots…
Right? Their pictures look nothing like robots.
Average american level of critical thinking.
Sadly I am not exaggerating.
Think you missed the sarcasm