Your power supply has ratings for the different rails. Can the 12V rail handle everything you have on it? Might be time to make a spreadsheet of the known power draws on each rail.
Your power supply has ratings for the different rails. Can the 12V rail handle everything you have on it? Might be time to make a spreadsheet of the known power draws on each rail.
Seconding this. The difference between science and fooling around is just keeping a journal, writing things down.
When I’m trying to hone in on my optimal experience with a particular bag of coffee, I’ll keep journal entries in this fashion: coffee name, date/time, grind setting on my burr grinder, coffee:water weight ratio in grams, starting water temperature, and time of pour; I’ll jot down a quick sentence after my first sip of how I feel about the taste, if I have time after finishing the cup I’ll jot down how I felt about the cup.
I keep the journal (A6 size, spiral bound) and pen with my coffee making materials so it’s just part of the process, I think it may be adds 2 minutes tops, and being able to accurately repeat what I’ve done on a previous day without having to try to remember is totally worth it to me.
Do you know about AppImages? Seems like those meet the need you’re complaining about.
You still have to set the executable flag for them, but you can do that through the graphic user interface. No need to open a terminal.