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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I just came home from work and my older dog PROMISES my husband forgot to feed him (husband is asleep so I can’t ask)

    He’s a lucky boy, he almost never lies and my husband is known to be forgetful 😂 plus even I’d rather accidentally give him bonus dinner than send the old man off to bed hungry.

  • “Oh hey, remember (name)? They worked here like 6 months ago.”

    No. No I do not remember that person. I probably didn’t learn their name when they were here, let alone retain that information 6 months later.

    Now I just lie, cuz people do NOT like the implication that you’ll definitely forget their name in 6 months, too 😂 “Oh, yeah! That guy! How’s he doing these days?” While I desperately try to conjure a mental picture as they talk about That Guy. Usually the conversation ends with me still not having a clue.

    I blame a lot on brain farts when the name I can’t come up with is someone who DOES still work here, “Fuck, why am I not coming up with this name that I 100% do, in fact, know??”

    Really they should have been clued in to my horrible memory when I needed the phone number for our other store, that I call multiple times a DAY, to be written down near the phone because I can’t reliably remember it when I need it.

  • I don’t often read the whole article, especially for something like a movie… But that was a really good read. I finished the whole thing.

    Two beautiful men being really open and honest with each other, and the way they talk about people and their various struggles, and their own personal struggles, was refreshing and so wholesome. I wanted to hug them both.

    It’s definitely worth the time to read the whole thing. I’m glad they did this chat. I haven’t seen The Whale, but now I really want to. It sounds really powerful and thoughtfully done. And Brendan Fraser deserves this comeback! Hopefully this movie puts him back in the game, I’ve missed him so much.

  • My family was (is, for the most part) Christians, though last I heard my dad is thinking of converting to Judaism. I went to church every Sunday, and Awana (kids bible program thing) every Wednesday, I earned a free trip to bible camp through my church multiple years running, cuz I wanted to go that badly… All that to say, I tried, okay? I really tried. I WANTED to believe in God, and Jesus, and all of it. I just … Didn’t.

    I never felt the euphoria that other people claimed to feel, I never felt anything but fear, cuz everyone said God and heaven and hell were real, and I did NOT want to end up in hell, but I didn’t feel shit. I was convinced for a long time that the lack of feeling was because I wasn’t really “saved”, that’s I’d messed it up some how, or lost it. And I really did not want to go to hell, so that was pretty upsetting.

    But ultimately I never really believed deep down. I thought the flood story was dumb, I thought praying was dumb(I still tried it, trying to feel the damned feelings), I did not have a “relationship with Jesus”. I was confused on a lot of points, especially where the love of Jesus conflicted with my republican families political opinions.

    When I was in my early teens my grandpa died, and at the funeral some relative or other assured me I’d see him again in heaven, and I remember thinking, “Now that’s a weird thing to actually believe.” …That thought came out of no where. I was still trying to believe at the time, and I think that was the beginning of the end. It was a slow end, with a couple more tries at various churches, but I really just used church for socializing from then on. Socializing and hedging my Pascal’s Wager, you know, cuz I really (and I can’t stress this enough) did not want to go to hell. I wanted to at least be able to tell god I tried. Just in case.

    So yeah, god, and random internet people, I tried. But there wasn’t much faith to lose.