13 days agoNo one has been able to re-create how this game felt. Every attempt at making a new version of this one loses something in the process. Game studios don’t understand that graphics and fluidity aren’t the defining features of a game. The defining features are
- no voicechat
- plasma discing someone mid air during a duel
- jetpacking into an enemy base, stealing their flag, and skiing away
- destroying your enemy’s generators and hiding out in the basement to kill them when they come to repair them
- vibes
Haven’t played this game in nearly 20 years and even then it was considered an old game with only around 3-4 dedicated servers left. Wonder how that’s going nowadays.
Check out Shadow of Memories. No one I know has ever even heard of this game and part of me feels like this was just a half-imagined fever dream from my child hood. I don’t remember how I played this game - if I rented it, or just came upon it, but it was such a surreal mindfuck for my 12 year old brain.
It’s got time traveling, exploring, mystery, bizarre voice acting, it’s really a game that’s before its time and to this day I still don’t remember much about it other than vibes and HOMONCULUS. Basically, everyday you are killed and you have to solve your own murder and everyday you are revived. If I am remembering correctly? You can’t attack or anything, just explore and uncover mysteries
There’s a half-dozen or so different endings depending on the choices and it’s just such a weird fucking game. I could also be remembering a lot of this through rose-tinted glasses so idk, but definitely put a few hours into it if you like weird games.