Cool I’ll have to try this!
Cool I’ll have to try this!
This was the best book I ever read. I like long books though so I was fine having it take a while. The length made it feel like a new friend by the time I was done with it and was genuinely sad when it ended. I’ve heard War and Peace is similar so I’ve started reading that but haven’t fallen in love with it like I didn’t Les Mis (yet).
I’m on the otherside of the coin. I was remote like many during covid then recently took a job where I have a 40min commute 2 days a week. I wasn’t happy about that to start and thought I wanted full time remote. I’m 4 months in now and I love it. To me it feels like the best of both worlds. My drive isn’t a hard 40 min and I get through podcasts and calls to friends/family. I just bring my laptop and dock at home or office which is easy. It has been great seeing and meeting people. I try to structure my days so I get meetings in person and focus work done on WFH days. Not for everyone but some, like me, might be surprised that they like a blend more than they think.
I’m back on my old long book kick. Just started the Count of Monte Cristo