VerticaGG is misrepresenting how this actually works. The main FIDE chess league is open to anyone, men or women or whatever. But because women tend to do worse in chess (for whatever reason, you can discuss why until the cows come home but it isn’t the point) exclusive women-only titles and tournaments were created in order to encourage more women to take part.
For example there is the Woman Grand Master title which is significantly easier to achieve than regular Grand Master, but women can and have achieved both.
It seems to have worked, too. The top women players today are fantastic, and have dramatically reduced the gap in the top rankings. We could yet see a woman as world champion for the first time.
If influential means influencing game design / the industry, inspiring other creators by demonstrating novel ideas, I’d probably have to say Doom or Half-Life. Doom really showed what an FPS could be and kicked off such a dominant genre. Half-Life introduced immersive storytelling that greatly influenced FPS and non-FPS games.