I DO use Twitch and I don’t know what they’re talking about.
I DO use Twitch and I don’t know what they’re talking about.
Helping with maintenance tasks like cleaning the grinder is a good idea, but I wouldn’t count on changing your parents’ preferences. If you don’t enjoy their preferred roast/ratio, just bring some of your own beans and make a separate pot for yourself when you visit. I had a similar situation with my in-laws and that is our solution. I bring my coffee when I visit them and they bring theirs when they visit us and we’re all happy.
So much emphasis on this happening “every time” you tell someone to wait in camp. How frequently are people changing their party that this makes the game “borderline unplayable?” Am I a weirdo for sticking with the same group 99% of the time? I’ve changed a party member a grand total of once in the past like 60 hours of the game. Do others switch on a fight-by-fight basis or something?
“Low” in this clip is describing social classes and “company” here just means the people someone associates with. He is worried that “polite society” will shun his family because of what he did and they will be forced to associate with people who would be considered lower class, like criminals, to survive.
I’m your evil twin in regard to raisins. I like them in savory dishes and salads, but can’t stand them in desserts and baked goods.