• 3 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2024

  • You didn’t answer my question “what evidence (…) would be needed for you to admit that we don’t want to fight, and it’s Zelensky’s regime (…) that forces us to (…)” :(

    Putin is trying to take your homeland and you’re doing nothing to prevent it.

    What do you mean “take”?
    What prevents me from living on the land Putin has taken?
    Or let’s be more exact - what prevents people in Crimea, Melitopol and other cities/regions taken by Putin to continue living there?
    Or maybe you want to say that the life there is worse? Then please define in what way. Is it being able to freely move? Is it not being a subject to mass kidnappings? Is it being able to speak your mother tongue without being discriminated for it (or worse…)? Is it being able to form political parties? Is it being able to vote for your president (even if you consider the elections rigged)?

    You’re not even in your own country…

    I cannot return there, until Zelensky’s regime is done. If I go there - I won’t be able to come back. I’ll be imprisoned like the rest of the country. I’ll be sooner or later kidnapped and sent to die.

    Who should fight for their freedom if not the people that live there?

    Fighting for freedom is fighting against Zelensky’s regime, he is the one taking the freedom away. And it’s extremely hard to fight him, as long as he has western support.

  • and saying that Ukrainians should just give up.

    I’ll try to argue in good faith and ask you - what evidence (other than this post, apparently it doesn’t convince you) would be needed for you to admit that we don’t want to fight, and it’s Zelensky’s regime (with West’s support) that forces us to (and effectively genocides us)?

    How about all the Russians getting forced in to a war just to die?

    It’s also bad. Russia is not turned into a mass prison which people can’t leave and where they are kidnapped on the streets though, Ukraine is.
    A man in Russia can leave at any moment.
    A man in Ukraine is automatically a prisoner, he can only escape.

    Where is the criticism of Putin and his regime and the atrocities that he commits?

    Here it is: I condemn Putin for the atrocities he commits. I regularly hear from my friends and family, who are still in Ukraine, about Russian rockets/drones flying over them.

    You see, I’ve tried to argue in good faith with you, despite you supporting Zelensky’s fascist regime that tries to kill me and people I know. Now, can you do the same? :)

  • So, Zelensky started with turning Ukraine into a mass prison on 24.02.2022.
    Then busification (kidnapping people on the streets and murdering them by sending them to the meat grinder) of men aged 27-60 started soon after.
    Then, in April 2024, Zelensky’s meat grinder was expanded to men aged 25-27.
    Now, Zelensky will probably start murdering men aged 18-25 as well (and not just “supported” by the west, not even “encouraged”, now it’s “pressured”).

    What line should Zelensky cross for you to admit he is genociding Ukrainians? Should he start kidnapping teenagers as well? Should he start kidnapping women? Or would it be ok as well?.. (btw both kidnapping teenagers and women already happened, it’s just that for now " recruitment officers" let them go after they discover their mistake)

    And remeber folks, “till the last Ukrainian” is propaganda spread by Russian bots and tankies, it has nothing in common with reality.

  • Yeah, people cheering whatever the fuck Zelensky is doing to the people they supposeddly “support” is… Scary to say the least. Is it “won’t happen to me” mentality? Is it “hurt Russia at a cost of whatever amount of Ukrainians it takes” mentality? I dunno…

    And the funniest part - I can understand why people downvote my comment (I used quite “strong” language there), but why the fuck are they downvoting the post? XD
    Is “kyivindependent” also a Russian propaganda now? 🤦‍

    Anyway, there is a good side to this too, I’m even kinda happy that my post got so many downvotes - it means .ml is not a total “tankie” circlejerk, and there actually are people with opposing views here (even if those views are about genociding my country…).

  • Aaah yeah. Genocided villages…

    Yeah, cleansed/genocided/or whatever you call it. Zelensky knows nobody cares about villages, so he started with that, and then moved to a bigger fish.


    Supporting in what way? By giving Ukraine the means to defend itself against Ruzzia?

    Supporting in the way of giving him money, weapons and power. That he uses to terrorize and genocide Ukrainians.
    The biggest threat to us, to our lives and freedom, is not Russia - it’s Zelensky. Yet you don’t help us, you help Zelensky to murder more of us. And why shouldn’t you? After all, a few Russians will die as well, so no matter how many of us how died it’s a win for you…