1 year ago@LemmyIsFantastic Well as soon as Google create an app specifically designed for people who like to paint small plastic war dollies then I’ll be sure to download it :D
#Discworld obsessed #cat servant who likes #programming and painting small versions of big things (#miniaturepainting)
@LemmyIsFantastic Well as soon as Google create an app specifically designed for people who like to paint small plastic war dollies then I’ll be sure to download it :D
@thegiddystitcher I have trust issues with anything that involves putting large amount of data into a phone app, a lot of them don’t properly support backups/export.
I dutifully catalogued all of my acrylic paints at one point, but then needed to reset my phone and was annoyed that there was no way to export or backup the data (Even the full phone app backup lacked it). So I went back to a Cloud based spreadsheet.
@LemmyIsFantastic I’m aware