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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I do a 1:16.667 ratio of coffee to water. That would be 30g coffee in 500g water. Pre rinse the filter. Then I add enough boiling water to bloom the coffee. After about a minute I start adding more water. Just enough to keep the grounds below liquid level. I swirl clockwise and then counter clockwise after each pour.

    That’s it. Keep pouring until target amount of water is reached.

  • I think an equal component to number of days you can go, is how long you can go each day.

    That being said, I’d recommend the StrongLifts 5x5 program to begin with. It’s an A/B program, meaning in just two workouts you get a total body workout. There’s no reason you can’t use it 5 times a week. Week 1 would look like A/B/A/B/A and then Week 2 would be B/A/B/A/B and so fourth. I’d put the rest days after every B exercise.

    The downside of this is StrongLifts does squats every day, so you’d be doing squats two days in a row.

    It’s still a great beginner program. You may chose to only lift 3-4 times a week and throw in some very good cardio on additional days.

    This program will probably take 1:15 the first few times you do it, but you should be able to get it down to an hour or less for each workout.

    I use StrongLifts as a beginning program but also modified it over time. Now I’ve moved to PPL which is technically a 6-day a week program but you can just do 5 days a week and keep up the rotation the next week. It’s a longer workout. I’m lifting for at least 1:30, but usually 1:45 each time. It’s a lot more volume but the gains are large. I would start with PPL because it’s lot to jump into as a beginner.

  • French press is my morning go to. I generally follow James Hoffman’s method. Boiling hot water, stir for the first couple of minutes, and then let it sit for as long as you can patiently wait to let the fines settle. For me this is 3, 4 minutes max. My total brew time is 6-7 minutes. He recommends like 7-8 minutes rest for a total brew time of about 9-10 minutes.

    If I’m just itching for an extra cup, I have a pour over I use.

    The flavor difference between brew methods is always interesting. If I had to pick, I’d say the full mouthfeel of French press is my preference, but I’m glad I have both options.

    I used to have a nice 15 bar espresso maker but I found I just didn’t use it enough to justify the counter space it took up.

  • an old irishman shuffles into a bar at sundown with his eyes low and his head down
    the bartender says “ay, billy! whats the matter. you seem troubled”
    billy responds with "you see this bar we’re standing in. I built it with me own hands! but they don’t call me the bar builder, no!

    and the bridge everyone uses to cross the river to get to the market, i built that that with me own hands too! but do the call me the bridge builder? no, they do not.

    and the wall that protects our city, i built that with me own hands too! and they don’t call me the wall builder neither.