Ocean Bomb tastes really bad 😂
The Damak bar wasn’t much better
Some guy living in Hong Kong 🇪🇺🇬🇧🇭🇰
Ocean Bomb tastes really bad 😂
The Damak bar wasn’t much better
To be fair, the design of Discovery is very close to the Phase 2 concept art
I’d never seen it before so I had to have a Google
That looks pretty cool too
You’re basically describing Strange New Worlds 😂
They really need to find ways to get Star Trek to an audience beyond Paramount+
Hell, why not put the new shows on normal TV a couple of years after they air online? I know fewer people watch traditional TV these days, but it’s still a way to get the show out to a more general audience
I really want Paramount to keep trying to broaden the Star Trek universe and its genres, if only because that will bring us one step closer to my dream show…
…a weekly 90s-style proceedural where a Starfleet Medical doctor somehow gets involved in solving a murder every single episode
I actually enjoyed it. For a movie that apparently squeezed a season of ideas into a single feature, it came out pretty… coherent? 😂
Sure, it’s silly and weird, but I’m glad that the powers that be at the Star Trek industrial complex are not afraid to try different things
My only worry is that we’ll be seeing less new different Trek going forward as Paramount don’t seem quite so willing to spend big and greenlight everything these days
OP, his face red 🫢