Remember article 5 of NATO, an attack on a member is an attack on all members! We must show support for the trans and gender nonbinary communities while we organize with the hope of flipping the legislature in the midterms two years from now.
Remember article 5 of NATO, an attack on a member is an attack on all members! We must show support for the trans and gender nonbinary communities while we organize with the hope of flipping the legislature in the midterms two years from now.
We don’t “get” tech anymore. Tech happens to/at us. We are already getting AI generated ads. Where are the AI based ad blockers?
I’m tired of fighting GNOME 3 to make it feel like GNOME 2. My next reinstall is going to be KDE. I just want a traditional desktop metaphor. 😩 Next major overhaul Kubuntu here I come!
No! I told you have AVIAN flu! This is how “the Crows Have Eyes IV” starts.
I’ve always wondered why Google doesn’t include a YouTube subscription with YouTube TV. They charge enough for it already…