Thanks for this well thought out post. Given me a lot to think on. This was a substanial work, so genuinely thank you for taking the time.
Thanks for this well thought out post. Given me a lot to think on. This was a substanial work, so genuinely thank you for taking the time.
Agreed on necessity. I just mean, would having such a federated society allow for that kind of thing at all, or would it put an upward limit on how far society could go? I mean it’s all speculation I guess. Thanks for answering.
Question from someone uninformed on anarchism. How would an anarchist society do something huge, like for example get to the moon. It seems like that requires an intense pooling of resources and a level of coordination accross multiple industries, scientific disciplines, manufacturing techniques, etc.
I know 2 people, completely separate and accross the country from each other that have wrecked due to autopilot failures or errors or whatever. I know this is ultimately anecdotal, but it really seems like Tesla isn’t putting up pretty good numbers given my horizon.
You can always get a new Chromecast (we were forced to as the ancient bullet proof one told us to “fuck off, I want to die”). The new one has a remote control and apps, which I always thought were missing from the minimalist Chromecast family of products. So look at us, now we have a shitty roku when all we wanted was a device that I could send things to from my phone. Needed and wanted nothing more, but I got it. My tone is muddled here, so I’ll make it clear that it’s worse than it used to be, and I’m annoyed I was forced to pay to downgrade.
Speaking as someone with no social media (big grain of salt), whenever I’ve heard reporting on people seeing the genocide on their phones it was always referencing tiktok. They never said “people watched children be exploded on twitter or Insta”. That could be due to user preference or whatever, but as an outsider, I have the ambient notion that more of this kind of content was coming from tiktok.
More concretely, in a lot of the stuff that came out of the twitter files, it’s clear that the US government does have, what I would classify as, inappropriate contact with american social media companies that can controle narratives. Without saying something with absolute certainty, the statement he’s making sounds pretty reasonable.
Also nothing is just one thing, there’s probably a ton going on.
Wow, didn’t know about the cats or that there was a puzzle in the bathroom. Time to finish this game MORE I guess.
Just finished it for the first time, have been telling all my friends about it. There’s something about how messy the lore is. Some collectables don’t tell you anything except shape the atmosphere of the oldest house, which is so nice. It was so beautiful too. Really good low flying game. I’m gonna definitely check out some other titles by this studio. I’ve played AW 1 and loved the connections to that. Just a real surprising 10/10 for me.
Never sure, with that one😆
I know Steve!
But definitely call her that :-)
Don’t call her that!
Oh, the IOF said it? Must be true 😂. The only thing they say concretely and sourced in the article is that he worked at a “pro Hamas” media outlet (can’t speak to this claim, but remember all the other things the IOF has claimed are Hamas), and that he wrote a piece for Al Jazeera.
Disregarding all that. Assuming that this guy was a journalist who was also a gun carrying member of Hamas and held actual hostages in his house, does that say anything about the record number of journalists that have been assasinated by the IOF?
I think it pretty clearly doesn’t.
I’m speaking from within a fictional situation that was presented. If I were someone else would I fire someone…the answer is probably. My principled take as myself, I wouldn’t for the reasons I’ve been talking about throughout this thread. Everyone has different reasons for what they do. OP put their opinion and I put mine. I don’t know what else to say…
I don’t have to like it, That’s literally my point. Let’s try this, rather than try to find my line, which I’ve already said was somewhere around causing bodily harm to uninvolved people, what do YOU think is an appropriate form of protest? It seems like that’s what you’re trying to get off your chest in a round about way.
Yeah, a phone company is never never never going to alienate customers like that. And the power dynamics in that situation are quite different. If you’re looking to suss out the limits of what I think about this than you’ve done it. I 100% agree people shouldn’t come to physical harm. Again, that’s quite a different situation than the one described in the article though.
Agreed. Capitalism is interested in developing things that help capitalism acquire. Look to the pharmaceutical monstrosities in the US and see what they put their money into. Non- curative solutions that improve quality of life for chronic diseases. A truly free science might have solved a lot of these problems if funding weren’t so selective.
Burn it all haha.