Oh god, it’s so good, I give the same “Well hello!” Like that every chance I gave to use it.
Oh god, it’s so good, I give the same “Well hello!” Like that every chance I gave to use it.
Maybe you should talk to Worf again
Ssshhh… dumb joke funny.
I’m going to miss this show so much, it’s just bursting with so much heart. They really captured the heart of star trek with a goofy comedy cartoon, and I love it.
Did you use any established project for your weather station or just make it up for yourself? I’ve been interested in building an esphome weather station as well.
Gun violence is just a fact of life in America, no way to solve it. They should just move on.
Layperson: But I already HAVE an email!
I assume you are using an orange pi successfully? Which version exactly?
Android TV is what I’m trying to escape 😀
Thanks for the suggestions, I guess I’ll look around for a pre-configured Kodi setup, people say that can be good.
I did give plasma bigscreen a try, but overall it seems to be not working well on straight x86 hardware, it’s intended for ARM devices mostly it seems.
I have an old laptop hooked up my tv already, but using the Bluetooth keyboard and TouchPad to navigate traditional desktop focused applications is such a cumbersome activity that both my husband and I never bother to use it, we just grab the remote and use the default tv interface.
I was specifically asking about the remote control and more tv- like interface software. I’ve never managed to get kodi to be anything good, not sure what I’m missing with that but it’s always super clunky and bad to use.
Someone else suggested plasma big screen, I’m going to install and try and get that configured up today, see how it goes.
What’s a good solution for a remote control and “TV like” interface for browsing accessing things? I really just want a good YouTube and jellyfin interface with a normal remote.
So… did he die?
Check out openconnect to connect to anyconnect VPNs
I ran it as my primary distro on my main machine for a while way back when. I don’t recommend that.
What I do recommend is going though the entire process even if it’s just in a VM. It’s incredibly educational and will teach you a ton about Linux and OS construction in general. I used to recommend it to everyone I was teaching linux/ Unix too and all the students who actually went through it and completed it now have successful IT careers. 100% an incredibly valuable teaching resource, you will look at all OS’s with new eyes after you’ve built one bit by bit from source by hand.
I prefer FreeLager myself.
For real? That’s hilarious.
Well there’s your problem right there.
LLMs don’t make decisions or understand things at all, they just regurgitate text in a human like manner.
I say this as someone who sees a lot of potential in the technology, though, but like this, or like most people are claiming we can use them.
Especially when no one else around you gets it.