I broke my jaw as a kid and had my teeth wired shut for a couple of weeks. Half-and-half was the best way I found to get calories. Mix it with chocolate syrup to change things up. Protein shakes are also good.
I broke my jaw as a kid and had my teeth wired shut for a couple of weeks. Half-and-half was the best way I found to get calories. Mix it with chocolate syrup to change things up. Protein shakes are also good.
11.5mm seems like a really oddball length. 12mm is the closest common length, and 0.5mm (.020") isn’t much. Have you already confirmed that a 12mm long screw won’t work? If so, grinding the tip down slightly with a rotary tool or bench grinder may be your best bet. If you can, thread a nut onto the screw before you grind it down. That way any threads that are messed up by the grinding will be restored when you take the nut off.
Hmm maybe a wire shelving unit with caster wheels?
What are you trying to store or organize? If it’s tools, the 5-drawer tool cart from Harbor Freight is pretty nice.
Hey, who spilled this noncredibledefense in my science_memes?
Huh, I didn’t realize my friends were on Lemmy…
The generic term is bullet connector. That’s the male side, so you’ll need a matching female connector. Did the head unit come with a bag of hardware or anything?
I suppose I’m shilling here, but check out rockauto.com for car parts. They carry an insane number of car parts for basically wholesale prices. A lot of times you can still buy the individual parts instead of entire assemblies.
Nah bro, these 7 data points are trending downwards, therefore we can totally project with 95% confidence that humans will be running a sub-6 second 100m on all fours by the year 2100.
Looks great! I really like the way the drawer pulls look against the color and figure of the wood.
You see something similar on metalworking videos: “I just used this scrap piece of steel/brass/copper/aluminum I had laying around”. Conveniently leaving out the fact that it’s hundreds of dollars of raw material.
Wow I didn’t realize it wasn’t over yet, thanks for the heads up. I’m still a little salty about some of the answers though :)
I asked “is it famous?” 👍
I asked “is it in North America?” 👎
It was an oven lol.
XcQ - no click for you.