Ey ich frag doch nur

aka @EyIchFragDochNur@feddit.de

  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024


  • Yes I know the v1, but besides jump range, I also don’t want to miss out on that cool SCO boost. I guess I’ll just stick around the bubble for now and pay Felicity a visit

    Edit: I’ve also been in that discord (or still am with my old account) but didn’t dare to open discord yet since I kind of want to return step by step, not the full dose at once :p

  • Seriously she’s talking big shit. The cell in your baby mom was a fucking cell. It still was in need for more DNA because you’re not a clone. And then it had to develop for months to build a neuronal system that is the base for your consciousness.

    If she’s being serious and not just joking or releasing some wild unreflected shower thoughts I feel like that’s some anti abortion or creationism propaganda.