I’m not even a centrist. I’m a full blown Leftist. It’s just a historical fact that religious assholes have spent the last thousands or so years going around the world trying to make everyone as miserable as them. I wasn’t even talking about the average religious person. There are plenty of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists who don’t go around trying to make everyone live the same as them. I was specifically talking about the whacko zealots, and I thought that was pretty clear in my comment. Apparently, talking about crazy religious people is a no-no on… [checks notes]… INSANE PEOPLE FACEBOOK.
It breaks my heart. I have a few Ukrainian coworkers (working remotely), and when we jump in Slack and I chat with them now compared to when we first started working together, all I hear is the weariness, the sadness, the loss. This woman designed all of our proprietary software, and she was always such an upbeat, motivated badass. That cliche of a person “lighting up the room” when they walk in? That’s her. Now though? She’s had to move three times to avoid bombs, and even though she’s safe now, she’s lost something that I don’t know if she will ever get back.
What I see in this picture of Zelenskyy is what I hear in her voice every time I talk with her. And it makes me fucking furious.