Great tip, I’ll definitely check it out!
Failed theoretical physicist trying to write and become a teacher. PhD in fermionic superfluidity ⚗️
I like: 🦴 Neolithic, 📖 Books, 🌱Permaculture, 🗺 Cosmopoiesis
It’s not over as long as there’s someone telling another story.
Great tip, I’ll definitely check it out!
That’s so flattering, thank you! 🥹
Your prejudice was half-right actually: tech and systems are what I really want to explore, but I use shorter stories as “experiment” to practice other aspect of storytelling too. After all, characters are the most powerful illusion spell on the reader!
What’s going to be next:
Thank you! Let me know what you think 😋
I have other formats for the novels, but now that the Meteorina project is becoming bigger I should provide epub files too. I’ll work on adding more buttons and get back to you in a couple days!
Di fianco a ogni storia ci sono le bandierine che indicano in che lingua sono! La maggior parte sono bilingui; alcune sono solo in italiano. Simulacra Navigans, l’unica storia che avevo in inglese, è quasi a fine traduzione.
EDIT: Ho finito di tradurre Simulacra; mi ero dimenticato che anche Snowstorm e Lady Firefly erano English-only, prossimamente tradurrò anche quelle!
Update: I added EPUB formats for both Meteorina and all other short stories; I have been postponing that QoL fix for a LONG time but you finally gave me a reason to go and do it 😁