It feels like the Nazis are passing beyond living memory so there are few people alive who remember how bad they were.
It feels like the Nazis are passing beyond living memory so there are few people alive who remember how bad they were.
Whether you think the person he killed deserved it or not is irrelevant, giving a free pass because of that sets an extremely dangerous precedent
It’s just patently absurd. It’s an angry mob. They probably didn’t even know the victim. They could turn on you, me, or each other.
I don’t understand the point of the article. It rightly says that people in organizations sometimes self-deal, especially in government. I agree in minimizing the cost and scope of government and trying to reduce government wastee, but the article just sounds like grousing.
I remember seeing a commemorative plate in a Star Trek magazine in the 80s, when I was kid. I asked my parents to buy me one. They asked what I wanted with a Star Trek plate. That was a good point. I still don’t know what I would have done with a commemorative plate.
It seems like many libertarians wish their actions didn’t affect others, e.g. spreading disease or releasing greenhouse gases. It would be easier because then we wouldn’t have to make hard choices, we wouldn’t have to admit that people’s actions can harm others and that fact doesn’t mean we can disregard each other’s rights. Just pretending like our actions don’t have costs for others is the easy way avoiding the issues.
The horror of the Soviet Union are will soon pass beyond living memory too.