Why does a mastodon user get completely different profiles and history when viewed from different lemmy instances? They look like 2 completely different users when compared except for having the same @address. In fact this makes them immune from moderation if they comment from a different instance than the mod is on.
Truth is a defence for slander/libel. Her coming that close to killing a pedestrian, and being so demonstrably… ‘unconcerned’ about it would be the obvious rebuttal. Also, it being an excited utterance under stress would strain the claim that any reasonable person would believe the statement was factual, and hence, isn’t slanderous.
I changed the community to NSFW because people were complaining that drone footage cutting to static was NSFW and displaying in ‘All’.
Edit: To be clear I do not think this is NSFW and would gladly revert to not-NSFW if admins and community don’t care about the inevitable complaints.
I don’t think so. Got it from a royalty-free site.
I flipped the image r to left think it would look better on the right bar where you usually see it and that might be what’s weird.
Edit: oh, I think I f’d with the tint or something to make it a F up as a joke.
I just made it a week ago or so.
Different server and mod(s). Pretty much was created because that TIFU didn’t show up on my searches for whatever reason. TBH its too early to really say. Hopefully it gets used more.
Okay, thanks.