He/him. Chinese born, Canadian citizen. University student studying environmental science, hobbyist programmer. Marxist-Leninist.
“Everyone who disagrees me is a piece of shit and is siding with tyrants, no I’m not going to actually read their arguments beyond the title.”
No it isn’t. We’re not trying to be like Reddit. Because if we were, why not just use Reddit? There’s no reason to make an alternative to something if it’s going to be the exact same.
I mean, if they halted operations, presumably permanently as they seem to imply, it shouldn’t matter right? Since they intend to ditch all their assets and exit the market anyway, right?
Unless this whole thing was a marketing ploy for Western audiences and they plan to start right back up once people stop paying attention. Hmm…
But… But… Daddy Sam told me that America doesn’t censor! That’s a commie thing!
Redditor is a state of mind. You don’t necessarily have to use the site to be one.