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remember when there used to be all these articles about how people in europe live longer than americans because they drink red wine and eat more olive oil or bullshit like that? turns out it was universal healthcare the whole time

    1 year ago

    no, it turns out that political biases in the US are walls in the brains of either political leaning.

    Look at the studies that concluded that moderate exercise, saturated fats, and red wine were contributing factors to the longevity and you’ll see that they did account for the socieconomic status and access to the healthcare. Everything else would’ve been a really, really bad study. Which you suggest it was without ever even looking it up.

    But nevermind, maybe you could do a simple back-of-the-envelope analysis: southern/mideterranian Europe is where people live longest. Yet their GDP per Capita is like half of a representative northern countr. And their healthcare system is absolutely garbage in comparison as well. And yet they still live longer on average.

    But, no, please, I’m sorry, I’m probably fascist for saying that, I probably vote for Trump and whatever other explanation your brain can find to not realize you’re wrong.

    – Eurobro. (but absolutely would vote for Trump, he’d make Europe great again, trust me).