• TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I hope we reach a post aging world someday, where any adult can choose have a healthy kid at any age. I don’t care what genetics or evolution thinks, I want everyone to have access to a decent life. The cruel process of evolution will not be necessary if we can design ourselves. I don’t want poor people to not have kids, and considering that birthrates fall as average income rises, helping everyone live high quality lives would be the best way to combat overpopulation if it was a problem (which it isn’t).

    These white supremacists want to keep brown immigrants from coming to their countries, yet they fail to realize that imperialism and global capitalism is a big reason for both the immigration, and the higher birthrates of us brown people. Shitty conditions, through a variety of mechanisms, lead to people having many kids. More obviously, shitty conditions cause a net positive amount of people to move to areas where things are less shitty. If every county on earth was a comparably prosperous and pleasant to live in, very few people would leave their home countries.

    The biggest way to fix things would be to reduce global economic inequality. We need to squeeze these disgusting amounts of wealth out of everyone who has them, while making a world that works for everyone. Killing the poors cannot work, as the system will always produce more of them until only one person remains. Slavery is the real strategy, and all slaves are morally right in freeing themselves. However, we must not fall into the trap of making new owners instead of getting rid of them.