• AdamEatsAss@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Not sure what you’re trying to say here. Historically minority groups (specifically black and Hispanic) have been underrepresented in higher education. Affirmative action was supposed to help make higher education racially represent the population at large. Many minority groups are disadvantaged from a young age in terms of education in the USA so collecting data on race of applicants was supposed to help normalize people’s racial background. If I grew up in a predominantly well funded schools my exam scores will likely be higher than a student who grew up in a poor school district. The effects of segregation, racism, and xenophobia in the USA have led to a racial divide between many local school districts in the USA. The whites who have historocally had more money have better funded schools. Without knowing where someone came from it is harder to judge how good their respective scores are. Odviously there are still ways to do this but the supreme court removed a legally required one.

        • AdamEatsAss@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I think we can all agree racism is bad. The point of affirmative action was to help those who are victims of past racism. As I said, minority groups tend to live in localized areas and have historocally had less financial resources and because of this suffer from worse education and less connections to people who have gone to college before. Collecting racial data was a way to normalize test results and make up for lack of college prep knowledge for disadvantaged students. Collecting this data also forces schools to be aware of thier unconscious bias. AA was introduced to combat racism in college selections, I don’t think we will slip back to as bad as it was, but i think a new program should have been implemented before rejecting this one.

          • dustojnikhummer@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            And now it’s time to get rid of it, because racism shouldn’t justify racism. Racism in the past shouldn’t justify racism today. Racism towards one group shouldn’t justify racism towards a different group. “Reverse” or “positive” racism doesn’t exist, it is just plain old racism you try to justify to yourself.

              • dustojnikhummer@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

                Prejudice - why do people of certain color need more handholding? Are you saying they are not as capable because of their race?

                Discrimination - if you prop up one group over others, you are discriminating others. If you do it solely based on their skin color, that is racist.

                • AdamEatsAss@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  Prejudice - (preconceived opinions not based on reason or actual experience) students with better SAT scores will perform better in college. There’s no evidence to support this and it is still a major deciding factor in college admissions.

                  Discrimination - (unjust treatment of different categories of people) the argument over what is “just” treatment will likely never end. I believe it is unjust that primary school districts in the USA can vary wildly in quality.

                  • dustojnikhummer@lemmy.world
                    1 year ago

                    There’s no evidence to support this and it is still a major deciding factor in college admissions.

                    Okay, so lets come up with something different than SAT since we are unable to keep the same goal for everyone… based on their race

                    I believe it is unjust that primary school districts in the USA can vary wildly in quality.

                    Thank you for recognizing that poor caucasians and asians also exist, and that rich black people exist.

      • AdamEatsAss@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I think he means anti-white? Racism is any kind of prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by a group, individual, or institution against a person or group on the basis of their race or ethnicity. The group being discriminated against does not necessarily have to be the minority group.

        • masquenox@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Racism is any kind of prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by a group, individual, or institution against a person or group on the basis of their race or ethnicity.

          Absolutely not. Racism is inherent to the pseudo-science of scientific racism invented by European “intellectuals” to justify the brutality of colonialist exploitation - which, of course, is still ongoing. It is a fundamental classification of “race” as defined by scientific racists - ie, white supremacists. White goes on top, black at the bottom, some other people go in between. There is no other kind of “racism” - if it doesn’t work according to that specific race hierarchy, it’s not racism.

          This is the reason why it’s not technically true that black people cannot be racist - they can, but they can only be racist insofar as the tenets of white supremacism allows. White supremacism never allows black people to discriminate against white people - which is why you don’t see black cops murdering white folk once a week in front of cameras and getting away with it (they would if they could - cops are cops).

          Han supremacism (for instance) is not racism - it is not based on the same race classification system that forms the core tenet of white supremacist ideology. It simply does not view the world through the lens of race that westerners (ie, white people) do. It is an entirely different form of institutionalized bigotry and discrimination.