Derek is the fucking GOAT
Thought at first that its a meme about the signal groupchat that was leaked currently and then read its discord and its 1 year old.
Good guy Derek
I would never feel bad about that, have you ever had girls show you their gcs? I’m traumatized
Don’t talk shit about people behind their back. It always has a way of getting out because it’s clearly how you feel when their is no filter in place.
Still not sure whether OP is Pete Hegseth.
Wow this must be the biggest group text leak ever.
Derek sounds like a real one. That poster lacks so much situational awareness they’d fall into an open manhole like in a cartoon.
Be careful who you trust and only post things online that you wouldn’t mind everyone in your life seeing. Never trust the internet.
LOL private chat with 8 people.
You don’t even need a Derek, all you have to do is have one of the 8 perceive that they are being wronged. One’s mate makes googly eyes at another, next thing you know, it’s all public.
Never post anything anywhere if it ever getting out will fuck you.
Nothing is private and you should strive to be the kind of person that doesn’t say shit about other people behind their backs.
I’ve definitely got some bleak ass humor with some friends in private but forwarding messages people sent you in private to other people and group chats? Really?
Every parent’s “talk” with their kids should start with “Never say or post anything about yourself on the internet, in any capacity, that you wouldn’t want literally everyone in your life knowing about. Assume everything you type, post or share will be seen by everyone.”
I would extend that to include even uploading things to private cloud servers and saving things to your own computer. You don’t have to take these precautions, but then it’s on you to deal with consequences of people seeing the things you want to keep private. Sure, there can be bad people who make extra effort to find and share your private things, but if you already covered your bases ahead of time by not saying things you don’t want others to hear, not posting media you don’t want others to see, you can make it almost impossible for people to cause you harm this way. Also, don’t talk about war plans in group chats.
edit: if you’re one of the kinds of people who read this and feel a reaction of outrage or disappointment that you can’t contain, this means you’re sharing things you shouldn’t and are now getting worried you won’t be able to make yourself out to be a victim when it happens. Don’t get mad at me, I didn’t make these rules, you just never heard them before. Fix your shitty social life and shitty sense of humor.
I have had this exact talk with my kids repeatedly and probably will again ''the internet is a PUBLIC place, if you wouldn’t do or say things you wouldn’t be comfortable doing in the quad at school or in the middle of Walmart, DON’T do it online."
You are officially ahead of like, half the people in this post, and your kids will be too.
Depends on context. Maybe I’m not reading the OP right, but if it’s in the context of “yo guys what do I say” it’s different from “yo guys look how desperate she is lmao”
If you’re ever concerned that your private messages will get leaked, why send it? That seems like a you issue for trusting them.
The abuse of trust is the problem there, not the trust itself…
There’s no scenario where you’re not the a-hole if you’re going to parrot something someone else told you in private, elsewhere.
There’s no scenario where you’re not the a-hole if you’re going to parrot something someone else told you in private, elsewhere.
I can think of several, including the one being described in the original post
There’s no scenario where you’re not the a-hole if you’re going to parrot something someone else told you in private, elsewhere.
There is no scenario where you “extending trust” to someone protects you from potential consequence. You’re not the victim if someone you don’t know well shares your private shit, you’re an idiot.
If you’re sharing things in confidence that could get you in trouble, you’re already making a mistake, and this triggers some people and I cannot fathom why. Just be more careful and you’ll be fine, you’re not entitled to privacy on the internet, you cannot predict what other people do, and even if you’re totally in the right and someone else is deliberately trying to “take you down” you have made mistakes in extending trust to people you don’t know well enough, on the internet, about things that could have consequences.
I am sad that people never taught their kids how to use the internet back when it was newer, they just all said “nothing there is real, don’t worry about it” while we all use it all day, every day, with no real guidance.
I think you think I’m agry with the wrong person. Who do you think my statement was directed against?
I don’t know who you’re “angry” with but you’re either soft-defending the people who had the server or doing the worst job in the world specifying who you’re directing criticism at.
The abuse of trust is the problem there, not the trust itself…
There’s no scenario where you’re not the a-hole if you’re going to parrot something someone else told you in private, elsewhere.
I’ve definitely got some bleak ass humor with some friends in private but forwarding messages people sent you in private to other people and group chats? Really?
I think a lot of people here feel like you’re mounting a case against Derek, or at least saying the guys with the discord server are not accountable or less accountable.
Explain to me me how “someone told you in private” would ever apply to this Derek character leaking a group chat. What is private about a group chat?
Obviously I’m talking about the guy that forwarded juicy messages someone sent him privately to his buddies in this leaked group chat.
Even though I don’t think my original comment leaves much wiggle room for interpretive play, maybe I could have explained better. But maybe you’re a bit too eager to find people to recreationally chastise.
I’m still completely confused how you seem to be shifting your stances around. Despite how much fun you seem to be having trolling everyone, I do NOT find recreational enjoyment arguing with people who don’t know how to string words together, so I will block you to end this, you’re on your own with everyone else you’ve confused here over the exact same messages.
Seems like the finger should be pointed at you for being so naive and trusting someone so blindly?
And reading the post, you telling me if OP was sending nudes of his girlfriend to a group chat, Derrick is the asshole here?
Yeah alright.
My problem was not with Derrick?
Sadly, people rather get in trouble and make themselves out to be a victim than decide to use some measure of self control and not spout every stupid thing that crosses their mind in their weird little shitty discord channel with their other shitty friends.
Seriously, I have been around the internet since the beginning of it, and people make the same mistakes over and over. This is one of them, and one I’ve never had to deal with because I don’t say shitty things to people, I don’t make “off color” jokes and have no desire to, and you know what… somehow I am not lacking a social life, it’s almost like being a shitty person doesn’t have to be a substitute for having a personality, you can just learn to socialize like a big boy or big girl and not set yourself up for disaster later.
Isn’t that what Derek just did to him? Feels bad I guess ;D
Yeah that’s my line. Something someone told you in confidence is a shit thing to make fun of them for, forwarding it to friends is another level.
Derek’s lame but they were shit too
Nah fuck that.
If your comment was so bad that a person you both trust and respected was like, “WTF” to expose it, that’s on you.
The whole meToo movement is based on this. Just “locker room” talk to some, but deeply disgusting sexual harassment from a small group and behavior to the other 90%.
I meant that the guys in the chat were scum for for sharing their SO dms with each other.
If this is supposed to be private, personal stuff, why then would you share it with either someone you don’t know well, or share it in a public space where others can see it? “Confidential” material means it should only be seen by people you trust. This whole post is about someone they didn’t know or trust coming into their space and sharing their shit. It’s entirely on them for saying stupid shit on the internet and not being careful.
Agreed. Was referring to the messages their SO’s sent them they then talked in the chat about
That’s scum
I text my friends offensive shit too, but imo the only reason you can consider them funny is because it’s the exact opposite of who i am. Like i don’t even really swear irl. But shit like forwarding private messages or bullying real people is so disgusting to me. I often talk to girls from tinder, and they sometimes send me screenshots of people from tinder to make fun of them. Instant turn off and block.
If you’re sharing it privately, that’s your true self, the version of you unfiltered and able to avoid the consequences of actually saying it.
Not if, but when it gets exposed by a Derek, will people look at you differently?
You just discovered something important about yourself.
This is a terrible take. Obviously, I can say something offensive to a friend that they would find funny exactly because they know I don’t mean it seriously.
Saying that is some kind of “reflection of my true self” is honestly just dumb. I’m saying the offensive thing because I find it offensive myself, and because I would never say it to someone I don’t trust to understand that.
This is an over generalization. How can you support that this is true other than for yourself alone?
Sometimes the unfiltered things I discuss in private are for the purpose of getting feedback. A brainstorming space without any of the regular inhibitions censoring free thought. I’m not looking for affirmation, but genuinely want to see what the unfiltered feedback would be, and am ready to change my option on a dime.
Take this to the next level: you do this in your own mind / imagination before you speak. You think things that you don’t say. So is everything in your mind, even things you think are wrong and choose not to express, your true self? And you should be ashamed of shameful thoughts?
Also what do you even mean by “true” self? If I act differently around different groups of people, which one is true?
Gonna share this again
This commenter said it best:
To the people who think what OP did was completely normal and something everyone does, (and I hate to use this phrase) check the “ratio” here. Nobody thinks this is normal. You and OP are in the slim minority spewing vile shit about people in your lives. It’s cruel and childish. You’d be smart to learn from OP’s predicament before you find yourself in the exact same situation with everyone you know hating you because you thought it was perfectly normal to constantly trash talk them behind their back. It’s not normal. Not everyone is doing it. Assholes like OP and apparently yourself are doing it. And it clearly can bite you in the ass. As I said in my initial comment, these kinds of things can have serious real world consequences. So you may wanna wise up and start being a respectable human being ;)
A brainstorming space
He posted nudes of his ex, among other things I’m sure at the same level of taste and class.
Can we stop twisting ourselves in knots trying to make fabricated and abstracted situations trying to engineer this to a situation where the people who originally shared terrible things are somehow morally justified? When you’re shitty on the internet, and let other people see your shitty shit, shit is going to come back on you. It’s your fault, you made a mistake. Period. This isn’t deep or hard to figure out.
You don’t even have to be the bad guy here, you can do everything right and STILL end up fucked over because you didn’t take care with what you post around other people. Learn to be smarter. Get gud.
I really thought this was going to be a satire post about the Yemen bombing Signal chat group leak based off the reddit title.
I was inspired to post this story in light of recent events.
Thank you for your service.
I don’t blame you, thought the same and already seen a few today.
There’s a lot of overlap with this and the leak.
Honestly I see correlation between this, the Trump Locker room talk, the Blizzard and Riot sexual harassment cases, etc.
i was waiting for the guy to come out as an us official as the punchline
It’s a good post though, relevant but not another post about the same damn thing lol
edit: user spotted
I love how the government is now just assholes in a shitty group chat.
If the contents of my friends’ group chat got leaked… people would just think we’re fucking idiots, not terrible people.
Good work, Derek. Be better, losers in that chat.
I think that’s obtuse, comedy has no limits: As long as you don’t act upon uncomfortable / morally reprehensible ideas you joke about, you aren’t any worse or better than if you had never joked about it. I would argue that exposing a bunch of people for what they joke about with no evidence that they’ve actually done something wrong is far worse than joking about offensive subjects. (one has zero negative affects, the other has many)
(I must say I disagree completely with that guy sharing messages from his girlfriend- that piece is very weird and a total breach of trust)
Keep in mind the source of this story. The author has every reason to describe the stuff on their group chat sound tame, so if it sounds bad, it’s probably 3 times worse than that.
(I must say I disagree completely with that guy sharing messages from his girlfriend- that piece is very weird and a total breach of trust)
My impression from the original post was that kind of stuff was what drove most of the fallout. Leaked off color memes aren’t going to ruin people’s relationships, but leaked shit talk or breaches of someone else’s privacy will.
but leaked shit talk or breaches of someone else’s privacy will.
shit talk and leaking messages is pretty bad, but that’s really common these days unfortunately. I wonder how frequently texts like that are shared between female group chats. Depends on the person, and the group, but they are just more connected.
Speaking ill of someone not present to defend themselves is commonly in bad tastes, imo. Commonality of occurrence certainly doesn’t make it any less wrongful. I don’t think it’s a gender specific issue based on the story being about guys doing this.
i’m not saying it is, but from what i understand women tend to have a more cohesive social group, and tend to talk about things between them a lot more, so it would reason that there is a larger chance of stuff like this breaking out into that conversation.
Men just don’t really talk about their personal lives all that much. And when they do it’s usually shitposting.
Speaking ill of someone not present to defend themselves is commonly in bad tastes, imo.
to be clear, i would generally agree with this, unless it’s understand to be venting/not seriously considered. It might be weird in the latter half, but it’s a lot less rude if it’s an inside joke specifically among a group of people.
I don’t think it’s a gender specific issue based on the story being about guys doing this.
and to be fair, if we’re going full gender difference analysis, i think guys are a lot more likely to have a group chat like this, than women, so there’s that.
If the public got to hear first hand all the black humor that goes on in the EMS field, society might further collapse.
Everyone on here is an insufferable twat.
How do you know that?
Because they’re a fucking idiot, duh.
Easy, by having an inflated ego and a holier than thou attitude! 👍
derek is still a cunt though. If you join and find shit you don’t like the first thing you should do is confront people. Either derek just likes causing people problems (and is a problematic individual) or he is not very bright and thinks that everything people say must be 100% true and serious.
I would not ever want to be friends with derek, that’s for sure.
Derek is a decent person, so you don’t have to worry about that.
yeah idk call me schizo all you want but i’m not huge on being friends with someone willing to drop everything to make me look the worst fucking person possible.
Derek did literally everything possible to cause fallout here, he really didn’t need to go that far.
It’s not hard to not be a shit person. That includes in private.
Derek did nothing wrong.
derek still did a shitty thing though. Regardless of how you look it.
How would you feel if you invited a few people to your home and then found out one of them secretly recorded audio the entire time? That’s the equivalent of screenshotting messages in a small group chat.
Unless you were literally planning crimes, the actual content of the conversation is irrelevant to the principle.
If, in my home me and my friends are sharing sensitive info about past relationships and other actions that can embarrass or hurt people, then exposing that is for the best. I mean where is the limit, if you’re invited to a chat where they’re massively racist and sexist, do you think that deserves to be exposed or do you just keep everyone’s dirty secrets no matter what?
idk i’d probably leave, and if anybody ever asked me about i’d say i didn’t like it. If i saw concerning behavior i would probably de-associate from those specific people. Not grenade an entire friend group over it, that’s extra.
It’s not my place to manage friend group politics.
If I see concerning behavior, I feel the need to say something because it’s concerning. More girls will be embarrassed, more people could be exploited, it’s not ok. I feel like seeing that, knowing you can do something, and choosing not to is pretty close to condoning it. It’s not about friend group politics; there are people outside the friend group who are being passed around in that without their knowledge or consent, and that’s not ok. I wouldn’t care if it was just guys with dark memes.
Using your same metaphor, if you came to another person’s house and all they did was shit on their family, and then make dark jokes about killing them - is it all fun and games until something bad happens?
There are lines. You don’t know what Derek saw.
But apparently it was so bad that a lot of people are really disgusted at the core group.
that’s true, but judging by this thread people are also really sensitive about this kind of shit, so it wouldn’t take very much for people to get pissed off like this.
Yeah, I’m one of those people. I have this apparently strange sensitivity to people sharing intimate photos of others without their consent or knowledge. Feels very exploitative. I’m just one of those people who doesn’t like to sit back and let people hurt others like that for the lols of a group chat.
weird that you mention sharing explicit photos, because that’s something that didn’t happen. If we’re to believe OP, that is.
Flip side: how would you feel if you shared your most vulnerable, intimate moments with one trusted person, only to realise that you’ve been recorded, shared around and commented on in a group chat full of acquaintances?
Can you see how Derek just delivered karmic justice?
I’m not saying it’s not awful, but I still think that publicly telling everyone is inappropriate. Derek basically did the same thing as them.
yeah but half of those were previously recorded, the worst thing in that chat is probably the text messages from the one dude specifically. Maybe making fun of people behind their back? But it really depends on how that went down, could be primarily for venting it’s hard to say without having concrete examples. So i’m giving the benefit of the doubt on that one.
Leaking PMs between you and an ex is a dick move 😵