The IAF blew up 400 men, women and children and today Netanyahu said, “this is only the beginning.”
You can get deported from the US now for pointing that out.
If Israel and Russia can get away with it, then too the USA, and this is the ultimate goal: taking back the world to the days of “territorial conquests”.
Israel killing civilians at random probably isn’t going to help bring the average Palestinian to their side against Hamas. If they were being nice to the civilians they might actually be willing to help you.
Well at least we know Trump will handle this much more ethically than that genocide-supporting demon Harris!
So we’re just going to have to sit here and let Israel murder these kids. Yeah religion is trash
First a statement, so i dont get put into pro or anti anyone. I utterly hate the hamas leader who decided to sacrifice palestinians for their cause by igniting this latest bloodbath just as much a I hate the israely leaders who cheefully accepted the invitation to violently take the land. I dont give a rat’s ass about religion and strongly advocate against religion being a incentive to kill or be killed. Let people live for fuck’s sake. End of statement. (maybe I need a short motto for this)
Now out of pure curiosity Israel tell gazaan to leave but offer no destinations, surrounding countries will not accept gazan partly out of not wishing to be destabilized and partly not wanting to help israel in the cleansing. Was westbank ever considered as a destination ? if so how was it received? It seem to me to be the least horrific solution.
What a shitbag.
Yep, they’re saying the quiet part out loud now.
Terrorists were the first step…sounds like the US was interfering before
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Do you think there’s a 13 year old girl in Gaza who is writing a diary that will be widely read by children across the world 40-50 years from now?
Do you really think it makes a difference?
Bombs exploding tend to hurt paper, fires tend to hurt paper, all the dust from shock waves tends to hurt paper, and bulldozers demolishing everything tend to hurt paper. If something survives that, then I still don’t think so.
If you’ll ask why, that’s for the same reason as why nobody wrote such a comment about an Alawi or Christian girl from Tartus in the last few days\weeks, to my knowledge. The estimates are of like 30 000 dead already, it’s likely more, many civilians are hiding on the Russian bases but you wouldn’t expect Russia to protect people it vowed to protect.
Suffering in Gaza is real, but the reason you think about it is that it’s convenient, those who suffer are Sunni, and those who kill them are of the general western alliance. It can’t be resolved who has more rights between these people, the westerners have just a bit more than Sunnis, but Sunnis have enough to cause outrage. The rest - not a beep.
That’s because Gaza is both real and an approved propaganda narrative. And if it weren’t the latter, then who knows, maybe it weren’t the former too and Israelis would have found somebody else to bomb.
Maybe, but it will probably be destroyed by carpet bombing before anyone sees it.
It’s not carpet bombing it Ai kill list. It indiscriminately just attacks targets, they’ve been training it the whole time. Palantir is the company
It’s probably not them. I didn’t see anything about Gaza genocide in the impact studies section.
It’s 2025, the teenagers mostly document their lives on social media. Tent life guy from Gaza got killed but there are others.
When this empire falls and the genocide history is able to be taught then yes I think some of these video records will be studied by children around the world.
Well, with the way things are going, it won’t be read in the U.S.A. It’ll be banned.
Don’t worry, the US won’t exist in 40-50 years.
By then they won’t have to ban books. Nobody here will be able to read
Those that can will be considered witches and drowned or burned at the stake.
Maybe, but the IDF will definitely burn anything they find, don’t want more records of their crimes where they can avoid it
They dgaf. They want the world to see what they are getting away with.
Now imagine what we don’t see.
The Germans occupied the Netherlands during WW2 and most (non Jewish) people could still live relevantly normal lives. Israel on the other hand is destroying everybody and everything in Gaza. They don’t even have a chance to write a diary.
Israel is doing terrible things, but it simply doesn’t compare to the atrocities of the Third Reich. Almost nothing does. It’s important we don’t downplay just how horrible the Nazi regime was.
Around 250,000 Dutchmen died in WW2. A substantial part of that came from the hunger winter in 1944 when the German army took the Dutch harvest. Dutch cities were first bombed by the Germans and afterwards by the allies, and many were in complete ruins. I am saying this not to downplay what Israel does to Palestina, but the idea that most Dutch people lived relatively “normal” lives during WW2 is ridiculous.
I meant normal in wartime. It wasn’t just a slaughter like Israel is doing. People could still have jobs and do stuff.
Indeed. If with doing jobs you mean the forced labor camps that healthy men were forced into. I mean, you just don’t help the cause by downplaying the bad experiences of other countries.
As a new biography Dutch Girl: Audrey Hepburn and World War II, excerpted exclusively in this week’s PEOPLE, reveals, it was her experiences during Germany’s five-year occupation of Holland during World War II that truly shaped her.
While more has come out in recent years about her war experience, Robert Matzen’s book reveals harrowing new details about how a young Hepburn battled severe malnutrition, particularly during what was known as the “Hunger Winter” of 1944-45.
Leading up to that brutally cold winter, as Germany tightened its grip on Holland, Hepburn and her family were often forced to live in the cellar for days and weeks at a time due to bombing overhead. And food became more and more scarce.
4 or 5 years probably
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“the muslims” Okay now let’s see what it would looks like if I change this word by an other one starting with a J.
Wait…?! Why I’m getting Déjà vu…ಠ_ಠ
Unfortunately, I’m fully capable of comprehending this.