Giddy, excited, curious and nervous all at the same time.

Let’s loosen that grip of adobe, microsoft and soon I hope apple too. :-)

Edit: Just hope I’m doing this right…

    1 day ago

    I installed on an old apple laptop (Mac book? … Why arnt they just laptops). And it was fine.

    I did have to use a WiFi dongle (or teathered phone hotspot) to get temporary WiFi. I then opened device manager and it got the right WiFi drivers. All good after that.

    I think theres Something propriatray that makes newer Mac Books much harder to install on.

    Side not. Also installed on some shitty windows tablet that had a 32bit BIOS/uffe but booted to 64bit os. After much trial and error with the live ios I got 32bit grub installed booting to 64bit mint.