I thought it’d be interesting to share this here! This post is from a community event in Reddit Pixel Dungeon that often gathers hundreds of votes, and the event is finally completed just a few days ago. The highest votes on what people think is weak (or boring/lame) is featured in this image, and it’s a good way to measure what the community thinks overall.
I’d love to post the huge amount of comments and discussions to Lemmy, but it might be better to just visit the Reddit posts. There’s some deep and interesting discussions from the community on why these things suck. The second-worst items that gained significant votes may also be worth looking into: chaotic censer, unstable spell, death mark, magic missile, transfusion, unstable enchant, etc
Regarding Chaotic Censer, I personally think recent updates have made it usable at least. It sucks when it destroys loot and wrecks players in cramped spaces, but the fact that it now shows the gas + direction before it activates, it’s a good improvement. At least players won’t be at the mercy of RNG deaths and we can adapt to the situation with the tools in our bag.
Have to read the whole posts for context
People like these, they just were forced to pick something from the tournament
They are not weak and they don’t suck
No one’s forced to do anything man… people are free to express their opinions, just please let them have their fun with this event and say their opinions. You’ve been arguing against them to death for months because you know everyone’s going to vote warrior and ring of tenacity, things that you’re incredibly biased against. You can join in the discussion and disagree with your own opinions, but the problem is you never try to understand the other side and you just keep bothering everyone who criticized these, constantly trying to dismiss and “win” arguments :/ You mentioned to me that you had to leave r/pixeldungeon because people don’t like you there, but a few people have noted that you’re insufferable on r/shatteredpd too
I’m literally just giving context
That picture gives 0 context, every item on that picture is there only because they got more votes, it doesn’t matter how small the margin was, or how many people disagreed.
All that context is missing, which is why just saying these items “suck” or they are “weak” not correct
It’s like saying “my comment got more upvotes, therefore I’m right”
Well yeah… that’s why the OP recommends to see the posts for the full discussion. But for the most part these items won votes by a wide margin, the only exception I see is vial of blood who barely won against censer 2nd place. Yeah there’s some disagreements here and there, but people generally vote the top comments because they agree with their points on why something sucks, and the disagreeing comments have low vote ratio against it. Tbh a lot of the “disagreements” come from you, like on the ring of tenacity post it’s honestly impressive how you try to argue against so many people :/ I’m not going to argue on what opinion is “right” or “wrong”, but I will say that this image is indeed just a rough idea on what the community thinks
I’ve also now seen the worst wand post and it looks like you’ve made even more enemies harassing darkblizzard and even rivlin got annoyed. You really need to calm down and please just let people have fun sharing their opinions
Okay, first of all, stop getting personal for no reason, I don’t even know who you are
And “OP” did a horrible job at giving context, that’s why I’m commenting in the first place
They said “this is what the community thinks is weak” “there are discussions onwhy these things suck” which are both biased opinions, not context
There are people who disagree, there are people who gave different opinions and you and OP aren’t respecting either of them. Just because you think upvotes make a difference doesn’t make it so.
Oh I’m respecting people who disagree alright, just today I’ve been seeing all the posts from this community event, whether it’s a popular opinion with 100 votes or the unpopular ones with <5 votes. But what more context do you need? On the tenacity post, people generally says it’s the worst because if you break down the maths it’s weak compared to other rings. On yog post the top comment says it’s the worst boss because it’s underwhelming, weak, and boring. If you want the full discussion of course you need to see the posts :/ But yanno what, the more I see these SHPD discussions from these events, the more I realize why so many people dislike you. Vordexxx got angry at you, Dekklin got angry at you, StickOnReddit got angry, the list goes on. You somehow have so much free time to argue every day, it’s insane… I’m santaclaws on reddit and I too get pissed at you for trying to attack everyone for having opinions you don’t like
You say you respect opinions, but you aren’t respecting my opinions.
And you are still throwing out personal attacks, for absolutely no reason.
When have I ever attacked anyone for having a different opinion than me?
As I’ve said many times, it’s not your opinion, it’s your attitude. You’re free to give your opinions and disagree, but the way you do it is so disrespectful and you’d always twist words to make people look bad, and argue people to death… Like on those worst wand posts, you’ve been trying to argue every single time and people have told you to leave them the hell alone. Tbh, after seeing this lemmy post today, I just wanted to see the rivlin posts afterwards and have fun. But then I saw you arguing everywhere on those reddit posts, and now you’re here too trying to dismiss and shut down this discussion, and I had to say something
Disrespectful how exactly? How do I twist people’s words?
Do you know the difference between an argument and a discussion?
You think everything I say is an argument
I’m not trying to shut down this discussion, I only said I was giving context, and you took that as an attack
I also got harassed by him many months ago when I criticized the old salt cube, clover trinket and warrior. It makes it hard to talk about these things when you know he will appear every time you talk about these, and it’s annoying to see that he’s on Lemmy too. Best to just downvote and ignore him. On another note I’m loving the new clover trinket update!
Giving different opinions is not harassment.
Just downvoting everything I say, is one of the reasons a tournament like this doesn’t work, and why it needs more context.
Straight up downvoting and ignoring, skews the result when the tournament is about upvotes