Right now a lot of us are trying to divest and diversify from having our entire lives on Google both because of the way Google spends its money and the long-standing privacy concerns seeming a bit more scary now.
What services have you switched to and what has your experience been? What do you like, what don’t you like, would you recommend them?
Chrome ➡️ Brave - Open source and privacy focused
Search ➡️ Qwant - Good search results and privacy focusing
Photos ➡️ Immich - Pretty much Google Photos but self hosted
Drive ➡️ Nextcloud - Use it with Hetzner Storage Share, pretty cheap and easy to use
Gmail ➡️ mailbox.org - European email hosting focusing on privacy
Meet ➡️ Nextcloud
Brave is google
No. Brave builds on top of the Chromium engine which is from Google but open source.
So, it depends on google
No it doesn’t. If Google stops supporting it, the community forks it and continues development. Has happened often in the past.