Write an ungodly large amount of code-comments - up to a point where you add 20 lines of explanations to a 6 lines long function where two lines are variables assignments.
Source code is for humans to read. The compiler ignores the comments.
Somebody has to maintain the ungodly large amount of comments as the code gets updated over time, and if people screw that up then the comments become less than useless.
Write an ungodly large amount of code-comments - up to a point where you add 20 lines of explanations to a 6 lines long function where two lines are variables assignments.
Source code is for humans to read. The compiler ignores the comments.
Somebody has to maintain the ungodly large amount of comments as the code gets updated over time, and if people screw that up then the comments become less than useless.
That’s the downside, yes.