I have an idea.
This is a very interesting movement. I think one thing we can all agree on is labelling. So let’s start a campaign mailing to people in power: we want a label.
Every week everybody taking part writes 1 Mail to 1 group of people. For example: Week 1: Supermarkets Week 2: EU Parlimantarians We agree on the group by a weekly Poll. You can choose between the highest voted ideas of last week.
Every Mail has to contend one reason why you want a EU Label.
I want to use this post to discuss the idea and rules.
If you agree I will post 2 posts weekly:
- Poll and suggestions for next week
- The day i will after the topic of said week and ask you to comment your text ideas 2.1. in the following days i comment on the second post with a text I used.
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