I never once claimed to be an expert. I claimed to have facts and statistics, do you believe that facts only count if they come from the country you live in?
If person A from country X says one thing, and persons B and C from country X say the opposite, does that automatically prove A correct? It doesn’t automatically prove B and C correct either, but you took issue with me pointing out that B and C disagree with A.
I have spoken with several people from post-soviet states who lived during Socialism as well, and speak of it fondly. When all they have is anecdotes and all I have are statistics and data I can find, I end up agreeing more with the people whose opinions align with the material reality of the facts at hand.
If I were from another country, I wouldn’t care much for.the opinion of a US Trump supporter who thinks Biden is a Communist.
So you speak for other countries as an “expert” from the other side of the world? Thats really relevant.
Further more your age has relevance by experiencing other times, with other media and a other zeitgeist.
I never once claimed to be an expert. I claimed to have facts and statistics, do you believe that facts only count if they come from the country you live in?
If person A from country X says one thing, and persons B and C from country X say the opposite, does that automatically prove A correct? It doesn’t automatically prove B and C correct either, but you took issue with me pointing out that B and C disagree with A.
You lecture people on the other side of the world about theire life by quoting a statistic from a relativly unfree and authocratic state …
I have spoken with several people from post-soviet states who lived during Socialism as well, and speak of it fondly. When all they have is anecdotes and all I have are statistics and data I can find, I end up agreeing more with the people whose opinions align with the material reality of the facts at hand.
If I were from another country, I wouldn’t care much for.the opinion of a US Trump supporter who thinks Biden is a Communist.