This shift in business model also means a drop in customer service. They used to sell you a product and stand behind it because eventually they wanted you to choose them when you needed a new or different product. Now that they have you roped in via a sort of forced dependency, they don’t have to pretend to be nice to you even.
Exactly. The way to make money pre-Internet was “generate repeat business” and the way to do that was to create a product and service the customer was happy with.
The way to make money now is to get the customer trapped, then pump them as hard as possible.
This shift in business model also means a drop in customer service. They used to sell you a product and stand behind it because eventually they wanted you to choose them when you needed a new or different product. Now that they have you roped in via a sort of forced dependency, they don’t have to pretend to be nice to you even.
Exactly. The way to make money pre-Internet was “generate repeat business” and the way to do that was to create a product and service the customer was happy with.
The way to make money now is to get the customer trapped, then pump them as hard as possible.
The last step is to put us all in prison and mandate we purchase their product (produced in the prison) from them whole earning 69 cents an hour.