• Soup@lemmy.world
    24 days ago
    • Going non-verbal or finding a less disruptive stim for work environments is a challenge but being able to do things like work from home more, or even just be left alone to do your fucking job, would help. Unfortunately there are too many people who believe that if you don’t love being in the office and prefer to stick to yourself that you’re “not a good fit”. So yea it really is part of the script.

    • It does not have to be here to stay and things are getting better, just painfully slowly. Your lack of imagination or adaptability is part of the problem, though.

    • The issue is more aligned with the joke “how do you spot a monolingual person? They’re speaking English.” Neurotypical attitudes dominate management positions(even if the people in them aren’t but have forced themselves into that mold) and refuse to budge. No communication breakdown is ever their fault, ever, but any kind of neurodivergent person must learn how to interact in their way, that person’s way, that other person’s way, etc… It really is like an anglophone making fun of another’s accent while barely hanging onto English. I’m anglophone, and I learned French so that other’s around me didn’t have to feel like they constantly need to accommodate me.

    • Extra note: a lot of the people I know who follow that script don’t even understand it that well themselves. They’re clutching at some “rules” that say what is and isn’t polite conversation, which tell you when to do what, and which say that include, for some reason, the idea that nothing can just be talked about point-blank which leads to all-to-common problem of people not knowing what the fuck is going on. These are the rules that state that if you don’t swear or yell while actively harming someone then you’re “polite” but if they resist at all then they’re being “rude and making a scene”(even if all they’re doing is respectfully trying to understand why you’re being awful). If you watch two neurodivergent people talk they get along just fine, better even because they’ve had to learn how to adjust, how to have patience, etc. and aren’t spend the conversation impose some fucked up sense of morality on the other person.

    TL;DR: You’re kinda proving my point by saying that there’s really only one valid way to communicate and softly fighting the notion that things can get better. Also yes agree that there are the low functioning cases but the bar for “low functioning” is way higher than it needs to be. I’m