• Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
    30 days ago

    Dude… You’re about 10 years too late on this sentiment. We tried it before and all we got was screamed at and mocked. Patience ran out and yet more was always demanded "You shouldn’t be upset when we call you pedos, learn to take a joke, you are so weak with your mamby pamby kumbaya bullshit. Come to dinner, shut up and let us get away with ruining your mental health over and over and over… " Constantly being asked, dickered reall, to put up with this behavior and be all peace and love so that there never be any consequences.

    A lot of us learned that the only way people will learn is if they stick their hand on the burner of the stove themselves. We tried dialogue, we tried appeals to empathy we tried to lead them gently away but you know what? All we did was waste our time and patience and those resources are not endless. Now after all the harm they’ve done to us directly and independently they come to us with burnt hands now that they are the ones effected and they want us to kiss it all better.

    This isn’t a “difference of opinion” they fucking burnt us over and over and yes, we’ll forgive them because we need them to do something useful for a change but if they valued us and our health and well-being like we cared enough about theirs to try so hard for so damned long to get through to them then maybe they would have grace. So if you are the freshly burned, welcome to the movement, a lot of us are not interested in cooing over your wounds and making you feel good because we’re past that.

    At this point if supporters are still clinging to the identity they made as supporters then it’s legitimately dangerous to court them. They are authoritarians who have spent the past decade programmed to dismiss every source and citation outside their own as illegitimate and to pervert debate into stupid circus tricks. They are a waste of our time because every minute spent arguing with brick walls is a minute that could be spent bypassing them and organizing to mount a resistance.

    While it’s true the best way to deradicalize is to keep a line of communication open and leave them a path out it’s only viable if they actually valued you already. If you think you can get someone out all the power to you but the time is past for new applications and appeals to be nice. Nice got us here.