• gwildors_gill_slits@lemmy.ca
    24 days ago

    Just a note about the solar panels: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/elon-musk-tesla-puerto-rico-renewable-energy_n_5ca51e99e4b082d775dfec35

    Musk has promised a lot of things publically over the years but for the most part it’s all part of curating his image as a genius philanthropist, and the reality has almost never matched the promises.

    For example, his promise up donate ventilators to help with COVID (which he himself had said at the start of the pandemic would be over in a couple of months) that ended up being not the expensive ventilators that were needed, but much cheaper CPAP machines that are fairly useless for dealing with COVID unless they’re extensively modified. Oh, and then a couple of years later he accused ventilator use of killing a bunch of COVID patients and said he could’ve told doctors that would happen because he “builds life support systems for spaceships”. Then why donate them in the first place?

    There’s been many other examples over the years but the point is the guy has didn’t his entire career moulding the public’s opinion of him, long enough I think that he began to believe his own publicity. Now he’s let the mask slip enough that there’s no putting it back on.

    • zephorah@lemm.ee
      24 days ago

      CPAPs, no. CPAPs are great for what they are, giving OSA patients some of their health back, the capacity to sleep and feel rested back.

      BiPAPs were used during COVID to the point of running out, daily. A device called AirVo was also used. The goal, after the initial months and better understanding of what was being dealt with, was to stay off vents as long as possible. BiPAPs did that for many people. BiPAPs are also a reason families were banned. The high velocity forced air exchange through the lips and mouth makes the wearer feel thirsty, and visitors kept trying to jam straws in there only to have the air blast blow water straight into the lungs.

      I expect most people to be grey at baseline, but I’m also not surprised by any of this info. That said, HuffPost isn’t the greatest.