The only mention of Sweden in Wolfenstein: The New Order is just to shit on them for collaborating with the Nazis and for subjecting the Sami to horrible race science
Also at this newspaper clipping about the Nazis nuking New York:
“This final act of violence may have saved millions of lives that would have resulted from a land invasion of America,” said the German leader in a press statement following the announcement.
I wonder what the writers meant by putting these words in the mouth of Adolf fucking Hitler
My favorite apolitical game.
It’s interesting that gamers shat themselves over the sequel and not over this game. Again, I haven’t played TNC yet, but in The New Order the Resistance leader is a middle-aged woman in a wheelchair with short hair and tattoos
who gets a suit of Jewish power armour near the end and uses it to wreck Nazis
Also, it’s very mean to the Nazis whom gamers love.
I wonder if it’s just because The New Order came out a few months before Gamergate started
yeah i think the millennial/genZ fash culture war wasn’t in full swing before Wolfenstein 2
Gamergate was happening the same year but hadn’t yet reached its fever pitch IIRC.
Wolfenstein: The New Order came out in May, Gamergate started in August
TNO provoked the right on purpose with its “Make America Nazi Free Again” ad campaign. Worked perfectly, tons of free advertising.
Isn’t TNC the one about fighting Nazis in America? TNO takes place entirely in Europe. That also sounds like a play on MAGA, which wouldn’t have been a thing in 2014 but very much would have been in 2017
Yeah, sorry, got them the wrong way round. I meant the second game.