Digitization should serve humanity, not monitor them.
Get fucked.
Why is there no piblic access to the communication records of politicians and members of government?
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I do believe there are authentic, genuine politicans, but I’me I’m inclined to bellieve that politicians are worse than people believe. Politicians on the left are worse than people think, politicians on the right are worse than people think.
I believe that you are American, the ones I do trust at face value for moral consistency is Thomas Massey, Mike Lee, Chip Roy, and Louie Gohmert. Don’t mistaken trust for full total agreement. It means their public statements is how they are alone in private.
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Believing a politician actually cares about you is like believing the stripper likes you,
Hey, come now… there’s no need to compare those parasites to strippers.
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Exactly, one actually works, the other is a parasite.
Mentioning lynching is emotional manipulation. Falsely claiming that lynching is not a federal crime, you’re saying that commiing homicide by hanging is not a federal crime, but commiting homicide by shooting is a federal crime.
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Can you share Massey’s comments or statement on it to read or watch for mysef?
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Him first.
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