And what’s your routine like?

I’m the kind of worker who prioritizes life over work. So that means I care about having light schedules if I know when it’s suitable and if my expenses can still be met which currently, I’m in the hole on that. If I can get away with using as much PPTO/PTO/Sick days as possible, I’ll do it. If I can afford to take points while balancing my expenses, I’ll do that too and have done that.

I typically work nights and I like working nights in nearly all of the jobs I’ve been in when available. I can’t stand morning and day shifts because it takes me a little longer to get warmed up during the morning and day. I actually used to have burned through mornings by sleeping through them.

But on my off days I do try to make up for some sleep at nights.

    2 months ago

    It took me 15 years to position myself in my dream job: 35 hours a week, 42 days of paid vacation I have to take, unlimited sick days, flexible schedule, WFH possible, and a very relaxed work environment with no time stress, regular nerf gun battles and an office dog. Pay is good enough so I can save up about 1000€ per month. Employer is a family business I feel good about supporting with my work (liberal-leaning newspaper).
    I’ll stay in that job for as long as I can.

    It gives my day structure and lets me actually prioritize more important things in life. I have absolutely no ambition to climb a career ladder or change the world in my job.

        2 months ago

        I don’t know where you stand in life, but I do know what it means to be hungry and literally have no money to buy food.
        I was unemployed without any visible path forward long enough to think it’d be permanent.
        I cleaned dishes in a restaurant, worked as ranch hand for a bed in a tent and whatever meat I could hunt, cleared the trash out of houses whose owners had died, delivered packages and mail on my own bicycle for less than minimum wage, and literally wiped old people’s asses in a nursing home.
        5 years ago, I was just a day away from becoming homeless.
        1 year ago, I still couldn’t make ends meet, while living in a moldy apartment, with no car, and wearing thrifted clothes.

        Believe me, I know what it means to be where I am now, and I’m paying it forward best I can.