If you needed yet another reason to quit smoking, here it is.

  • horse@feddit.org
    3 months ago

    public infrastructure doesn’t give you a lot of options for getting rid of butts

    It’s literally the same infrastructure as for every other kind of litter: a bin. Just stamp it out and throw it away. If there isn’t a bin take it with you and throw it out later. Before I quit smoking I had a small plastic vial with a screw lid that I collected the butts in for later disposal. A small jar, dedicated pocket ash tray or in a pinch even a plastic bag or simply a pocket would work too. It’s really not that hard.

    I realise you’re probably not one of the people who litter their cigarette butts, but you still shouldn’t be making excuses for people who do. Throwing cigarettes on the ground is no better than any other kind of littering. And while I’m at it: the same goes for bottle caps.