I discussing the topic with one of my most knowledgeable friends and would like to see some other outlook.

  • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The fuck??? She makes something like 500 million dollars PER CONCERT, and has a tour of like 8 months straight. She doesn’t roadie her own equipment. She doesn’t drive the bus. I assume she’s not even there for sound check hours before the event. She’s given a microphone, told “go sing for 3 hours” and then she’s back onto a tour bus that’s more lavish than most peoples homes. Meanwhile, 30-100 guys do backbreaking labor of assembling, and disassembling the sets, driving through the night in trucks, getting to the next cities venue at like 6am, unloading the truck, and assembling the set in the next city. All while she’s probably in her $2500 a night hotel room sleeping on a fluffy bed.

    What part of that sounds working class?