• Rob T Firefly@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Quark and Otto on a mountain for 1 hour.

      I would 100% watch a spinoff starring Armin Shimerman and Alfred Molina as Quark and Otto Octavius, just hanging out on a mountain and chatting for an hour.

    • warmaster@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I don’t agree with you, but have an upvote because some morons are downvoting you not because you are not contributing to an opinion exchange, but just because they think different.

      Those downvotes stink of Reddit.

      We can be better.

        • OrangeJoe@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          How far do you get into it before you get tired of it? I know you mention that quark and odo on the mountain episode and that’s at least later on.

          Personally I like ds9 because it very much was still star trek but managed to show it in a somewhat darker way that felt a little more “realistic” and less of that feeling that everyone lives in utopia. The dominion war towards the end was also very interesting in that they started doing some serialized story telling, something that didn’t really happen in trek or in tv much at all at that point. By today’s standards it is certainly a bit dated, but still, an interesting and different take I thought.

          I do also happen to like the characters, which I think is essential for any show. So if you never really liked them, then yea I imagine it wouldn’t be fun to watch.

        • warmaster@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I don’t remember DS9, so I can’t comment on that. But I do enjoy LD, and I find it as disposable enjoyment. It’s not meaningful, but entertaining. I find it’s enough to be able to enjoy it, in every aspect. It’s not remarkable, but just good all around.

        • Briantosaurus Vex@mastodon.spotek.io
          1 year ago

          What I liked was that it showed a much more nuanced perspective on terrorism than just about any other show, many years before it was relevant to debunking certain aspects of how the GWOT was being sold. Lots of quite intense “war movie” episodes toward the end.

        • CCatMan@lemmy.one
          1 year ago

          I enjoy the story arc of DS9, but because is from the time of 25+ episodes a season that there are bound to be a bunch of ones you can skip.

          • Echo Dot@feddit.uk
            1 year ago

            Oh, there are absolutely episodes of DS9 that you can just skip.

            They get to the Dominion War and interesting stuff happens, and then they’re like nah, let’s have an episode where nothing in it is of any consequence to the overall plot and essentially contributes nothing. Sure there is a civilisation changing war going on, but let’s have some boring interpersonal story that we will never refer back to in later episodes.

    • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      I completely agree with you, I feel like this about all nu trek. Star trek enterprise was the last star trek that was star trek and anything produced since has been star drek.

      I tried watching the dumb pew pew movies I really did. They are ALL godawful and have nothing to do with star trek.

      I tried watching STD, I really did. I dropped out somewhere S2 in disgust.

      I tried watching Picard, I really did. They ruined Picard and data. Then they ruined Guinan and Q. Then they ruined the entire TNG cast.

      I stopped watching star trek, all of it, for a long time now because of that shite.it used to be my most favorite show, I have dozens of books, miniature ships, games and whatnot.

      I switched to the Orville. It started as a sort of parody and then accidentally or not became the best trek made in the past 20 years

      • OrangeJoe@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        Have you watched lower decks or strange new worlds? Strange new worlds is in my opinion easily the most “star trek” of the newer shows and I think it’s excellent. Lower decks is obviously a cartoon but it too manages to somehow feel more like star trek than discovery and often Picard and it’s just a lot of fun and seems to be self aware enough to make it silly while still feeling like Star Trek.

        The orville is also great and great star trek, too bad it’s very likely not returning for more.

        • Mina@swiss-talk.net
          1 year ago


          I haven’t watched Lower Decks or Orville, but Strange New Worlds and Picard.

          Whilst I do think, Picard sucked and I do like SNW, I am not praising the latter as apparently the entire fandom.

          Well produced, written, directed and played, indeed, but, until now, truly tame and unbold to change expectations. Good entertainment, but hardly anything more.

          Discovery was better than it was received, and DS9 is, for me, still the best ST ever made.


          • OrangeJoe@lemm.ee
            1 year ago

            The orville is a lot of fun. Feels a lot like TNG but modern and with some humor thrown in. Though the most recent (likely last) does away with most of the humor in favor of a bit more serious, almost movie like stories.

            I do agree that discovery is not as bad as most make it out to be, same with Picard, and I actually really enjoyed season 3 of Picard.

            I think I just like SNW so much because it’s just that, kind of tame, low stakes, it just feels like trek to me. Not every episode or season needs to be some ultra serious galaxy ending threat.

            Lower decks is just fast paced silly fun.

        • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          Nope, and not going to. Why? Because I was told the same about the new trek movies. They. Sucked. So badly. I was told the same about discovery. It was cringe bad, hateful, spiteful, it was horrible. Then I was told the same about Picard. And hey, it’s Picard, this MUST be like TNG, right? RIGHT?

          Picard was godawful. Season one ruined Picard and Data. It ruined seven of nine. It ruined Starfleet, it ruined the federation. Picard is now a bumbling old man who gets put in his place by women because … I dunno. Sheer fucking hubris ! Because that’s how we talk now in star trek. Season two managed to fuck over Guinan and Q and the Borg. It was aweful. All built up history is just optional now, just ignore every, do what we want just so we can tell vapid dumb stories. Then. Season three… The entire cast of TNG. All ruined. Beverly, who once disobeyed an order to help a terrorist is now a black ops cold blooded killer or something, whatever…They ruined the fucking enterprise herself. And the entire Borg thing (thanks for ruining it twice in a row) and the sad sad changeling storyline…

          I’m done.

          Star trek was important to me, it shaped my life, it made me who I am today. Believe me, I try to be a better guy every day because of star trek. Classic trek, that is.

          That’s why it is pissing me off so much that nu trek has been treated so piss poorly by people that didn’t know trekz didn’t care about it, and just wanted to used it as a platform for their political stance. You’ve fucking ruined something great and you should be ashamed of yourself.

          Edit: “you” meaning paramount, and instill have hopes that the Orville will come back but please no more season3 crap, they too went the nu trek way with loads of CGI pew pew and vapid stories

          • OrangeJoe@lemm.ee
            1 year ago

            In fairness, voyager ruined the Borg, not Picard.

            Also not really sure about that whole being put in his place by women comment… Is it just that you feel he was put in his place at all, or that it was a woman who did it? Cause if it’s the latter…

            Anyways I feel that would be a mistake not to at least give SNW or lower decks a try as you never actually know until you try, but I’m not going to sit here and try and convince you beyond saying what I already have if you have already made up your mind. Then again, it’s probably a good idea if things being different upset you this much. All the best.

            And don’t worry I know you didn’t mean that I personally ruined star trek.

            • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
              1 year ago

              Eh, you’re correct about Voyager being bad for the Borg. Then again Voyager was the weakest of all classic treks.

              On the comment of Picard “being put in his place by a woman”: I have no problem with female leaders. Admiral Nechayev was nice, Janeway could have been so much more… The problem is that the nu trek show runners on multiple occasions talked about their… Political leanings and literally said that they don’t care about trek, don’t care what it was and literally that trek is their political platform, and it shows.

              It’s not about that Picard gets dressed down by a woman, it’s about that women suddenly are all can’t-do-wrong Mary sues whereas the men are all bumbling no-goods. Also notice that women mostly behave like on-my-high-horse assholes. Again, “sheer fucking hubris” kinda says it all. Can you imagine any Admiral saying THAT in TNG/DS9?

              Not to mention the graphic violence. “But it happened that one time in TNG too!”. Yeah, there is this one crazy episode there amongst hundreds whereas nutrek just had your daily dose of violence. I’ll watch “the boys” for that (I do recommend if you’re into dark humor)

              This is not star trek. And no, I’m not going to give it my time anymore

              • Michael Gemar@mstdn.ca
                1 year ago

                @phoenixz @startrek IMHO, Strange New Worlds is the most “Star Trek” show since TNG. It really captures the spirit of the original show.

                (I am not a fan of Picard or Discovery, largely because I feel they don’t have the elements I liked about past shows — they are too dark and pessimistic for my tastes.)

    • Tired8281@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      working out their differences

      Did you watch the same episode I did? They didn’t work out anything at all. That was what made it so special.