And it slaps eternally.
Ding fries are done
I just woke up and this confused me
Meanwhile, the 2nd Bass in every acapella arrangement: Dm dm dm DM, doo doo doo doo
Yeah but we love it. We get to pretend we’re playing bass guitar. It also means the rare times we get to actually sing melodies are that much more meaningful.
I am today years old the first time I saw that video.
The entire sleddin hills album slaps
This was originally a spring song.
Right, and the original had proper lyrics, also for the altos.
Slava Ukraini!
On a related note,
Oh boy, is it already that time of year for Mannheim Steamroller?
Ah, that means the Trans-Siberian Orchestra should be coming to town soon…
I should try to get tickets this year!
My parents owned that album when I was growing up. To me it isn’t the Christmas season until I hear the first track, “Hark! the Herald Trumpets Sing” while putting up decorations.
Meanwhile altos and other supporting voices: No lyrics to learn? Yay!