Windows 11 v24H2 and beyond will have Recall installed on every system. Attempting to remove Recall will now break some file explorer features such as tabs.

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Original Github Issue

    11 days ago

    That’s a fair take. Silver Blue is great and, in the spirit of the thread, if I were helping an interested but hesitant lifelong Windows/Intel/Nvidia user migrate to Linux today I would:

    1. Buy them a new SSD or m.2 (a decent 1tb is ~$50 & a good one only ~$100).
    2. Have them write down what applications, tools, games, sites, etc they use most often.
    3. Swap their current Windows OS drive with the new drive and, if needed, show them how and why that works or provide an illustrated how-to (so this choice is not a one-way street paved with anxiety. If they want to swap back, or transfer files, or whatever else; they can. Easily). Storage drives are just diaries for computers. The user should know there’s nothing scary or mystical about them.
    4. Install Fedora Kinoite on that new drive.
    5. Swap them from Fedora’s custom Flatpak repository to Flathub proper. A decision that should be given to the user on install IMO but I digress.
    6. Install their catalogue of goodies from step 2 so they’re not starting from scratch.
    7. Install pika and configure a sane home directory backup cadence.
    8. Ask them to kick the tires and test drive that Linux install for at least a month.

    Kinoite is going to feel the most like Windows and, once configured, stay out of the way while being a safe, familiar, transparent gateway to the things the user wants to use.

    My personal OS choices are driven by ideals, familiarity, design preferences, and a bank of good will / public trust.

    I disagree with some of Red Hat’s business model. I fully support the approach SUSE takes. I’m also used to the OpenSUSE ecosystem, agree with most of their project’s design philosophies, and trust their intentions. I’m not a “fan” though and will happily recommend and install Silver Blue or any other FOSS system on someone’s computer if that’s what they want and it makes sense for them! Opinionated discussion can be productive and healthy. Zealotry facilitates neither.

    That said: Aeon has been out of beta for a while. The latest release is Release Candidate 3 and they’re closing in on the first full release. Nvidia drivers work after a bit of fiddling. 🙂

    I’m going to edit my previous post to add the Kinoite suggestion for posterity’s sake.